Samantha Marquez: Yeah I wanted to cover that one up...
Interogator: Something you want to share?
Samantha Marquez: Well when I was younger I used to get high...on Aliens
Interogator: ????
Samantha Marquez: Yeah sh*t is so fly!
Interogator: Anything you would like to add?
Samantha Marquez: r3vange get a life
[color=#FFFFFF]Malta was "planted" by the Dom'Kavash as far as I am aware, so the origins of Cardamine are somewhere else might as well be the Dom'Kavash homeworld where probably those Alien Organisms evolved
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]Malta was "planted" by the Dom'Kavash as far as I am aware, so the origins of Cardamine are somewhere else might as well be the Dom'Kavash homeworld where probably those Alien Organisms evolved
Yeah, Cardamine is a grown stimulant for Nomads.
The Alien Organisms were left in abundance to help the Nomads terraform and alter planets, nature and atmospheres.