The 212th Regular Outcast Fleet was formed by Concil of Dons' order. The main porpouse was to make helping force to 101st and unite majority forces in one groupe. Offcourse, 212th under direct commanding from 101st, but in situations, when there is no 101st officers available, 212th commanders take leading positions in fight. Expirienced and well skilled officers leading 212th and coordinates then in fight. 212th commanders has right to appoint ship type which should be used in fight. If there is no need in capital ships, then he should recomand or use small ships or let use antifighter capital like support.
212th also making nessesary trainings, simulation fights and fight strategy dewelopment.
Note: capital ship captain should have bomber for anticap missions, when using capitals are unefficent.
212th also takes control over Outcasts research facilities. They providing security of research stations, commanding and maintenencing research ships, the best military sciencists are leading secret researc programmes. Research ships should not be used in comat situations, so if there is any hostail treat, research ship should leav system immidiatly.
212th mainly specializing on heavy ships like bombers and capital ships, althought you can see some fighter to.
!Warning!: Information only for Outcast navy. Attempting to hacking will be detected and hacker will recive system cracker worm.
Ranseur - D5-2A Outcast Dreadnought
Considered to be main anticap capital ships in OC fleet, this type of ship are the most used in fleet.
D5-2A eqiped with the most powerfull energy supply core available now in sirius. (ESC-4H3C)
Well balanced energy streamline (MES-2KR) feedeng every equipment without even small difference from optimal load. Sensor picture generated by multiple components of detectors like MASSA scanner, ESS scanner, EMF scanner and other devices. (H-F.S.I-P 2LK) type engines greats nessesary thrust neede for this mighty ship.
Sarissa - Outcast Battleship
Another BS type ship available to outcasts. Having less powerfull energy core ship mainly used like antifighter. Also, this ship's turrets has acceptable geometry for antifighter ship. Enegy core (ESC-3H3C) smaller than on dreadnought, so dont waste it. Has same electronik and holotronik but a bit other engine system (H-F.PM 2LK) ship can serve well to Outcasts.
Storta - The RM-2A Outcast Destroyer
Destroyer class vessel available for Outcast fleet. Ship considered Semi-light, due to high manverability and speed, although. Ship has (ESC-76G) smaller than some other ships, but have powerfull engines (H-F.PKD) to mowe fast around your apponent and make deadly hits. Ship equped with the most available electronik and holotronick.
Tridente - Outcast Gunship
Gunship class vessel in Outcast fleet. This ship might be considered as multirole. Can be efficently used like anticapital and antifighter. 3 (H-F.UFDPPE) gives opportunities to cach the most fast train or fighter. Powerfull energy core allowes to mount even heavy weapons.
Falcata - Series ZX Border Worlds Bomber
Bomber class vessel available to Outcast fleet. Mainly desinged to be anticapital, some ace pilots can much even fighter on this ship. Having 4 guns and 2 turrets this ship can provide common support to mostly capital ships. Energy stream ways mainlee feeds HW hardpoints of ships, while guns recives 35% from available weapon power, and this quet enought.
And all BW line ships appointed like "Fighters"
Addition info for pilots and captains
212th vessels are used to fight mostly near Outcasts borders, like Tau 37 and 23. Remembe, that tau 23 arent good place for large capitals. Better to use bombers than BS in this area, while fights in tau 37 taking part mostly in open space, so using BS considered efficent there, but dont bring them more, than you need!
Our mission in Omicrons most wide than in Taus. Our main target is Omicron Gamma. Home of our bloody enemy. Dont need to go elsewhere, cut of their head (Omicron Gamma I mean) and el'torro will die. This system is our primary target, and we will execute Order N 9- Planet Crete total ocupation. Its only matter of time.
Using capital ship fleet elsevhere no longer adviced. Visiting Order or House systems on capital ships strogly restructed.
Warning:Never enter into Omicron 90 and other Nomad worlds yourself, and stop everyone attempting reach this system from our side.
In non-combat time, try to keep peac and order in our Home, help, advice to do something and protect if someone of us or our allie needed this. And think before taking decision to open fire, sometimes, you may such things, that cant be fixed.
Remembe, that using capital ship is great honor and responsebility.
212th are under commanding of 101st, so obey thier orders like orders from 212th HC
Rang system.
Superme leader[A]- Current leader of 212th (//creator)
Superme leader[B]- Right hand of 212th leaders. Helping him and take commanding over fleet. (2 persons allowed)
Colonel. -replace S.L. takes commanding over fleet, if there no higer officer, appoints target, may take decision to fallback, can lead forces inot fight.
Major.- replace Colonel. takes commanding over fleet, if there no higer officer, mainly, used to coordinate fleets manevers betvine systems. Can lead forces to fight, but before, must asks everyones opinion and make decision.
Captain.- regular rang in 212th. Can use all ships, take part in fights.
212th capitals commander should have bomber like main anticap alternative
212th HC.
[212th]MNS-Lonely_Ghost- Roland Edwards. 212th idea and project creator.
[212th]MNS-Barbarossa. SL[B]
[212th]MNS-Anarchy. Colonel.
Other 212th members which wasnt mentioned here, pleas send me PMt.
<Ships's name> <Captain>
If you want to join 212th.
You need to registrate your ship by this form and send me PM.
1.-Ship's name and type.
2.-Captains first and second name
3.-Ships specialization (Antifighter,Anticap, Multirole)
4.-Crew number (bomber may have 2 pilots)
5.-How long you are on duty.
6.-Have you been sanctioned? (if yes, type broken rule)
8.-Agree to never breake rules and OORP. (warnings, sanctions, excluding)
Just be sure to F1 all of your ships near the Omicron Eta jump hole... I'm sure that's going to go down well with the Solaris fanboys present in the lolsairs.
Quote:Where's Sabre? And rest of BW line? You can't counter absolutely everything with a battleships, bombers will rip you apart.
We arent using fighter, they aren't typical for 212th but this not means, that we working without them.
If we gona have lots of Sabres, it will be added in list.
as ive been mentioning on 3 posts already so far: THE COUNCIL OF DONS IS CURRENTLY DISBANDED -> that means they dont exist at this very moment -> means they cant give orders -> means tthey cant have orderd the 212th to be made.
just pointing out some details, anyways good luck with it
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever
1. [212th]MNS-Zion (Sarissa)
2. Zion Marley
3. Multirole
4. 72
5. 3 months
6. Yes (''Docking in space''>>logoff when counteracting with pirates)
7. matkusko
8. I agree. i ll never break rules and OORP
Quote:as ive been mentioning on 3 posts already so far: THE COUNCIL OF DONS IS CURRENTLY DISBANDED -> that means they dont exist at this very moment -> means they cant give orders -> means tthey cant have orderd the 212th to be made.
Its simple, order was given in Dons time. Project get realized only now.:)
1. [212th]MNS-Star.Wolf (Ranseur)
2. Stefan Nikolic
3. Anticap
4. 107
5. 5 months
6. Yes (Threating to player about reporting him because he broke rule)
7. stefan_nikolic96
8. Agreed. I will never OORP and brake rules
1. [212th]MNS-Dr.Hunter
2. Matt Hunter
3. Multirole but mostly Anticap
4. 97
5. 5 months
6. Yes (F1 and docking while pirated)
7. Dr.Hunter
8. I agree. I will never OORP and break rules