' Wrote:Or you might want to change your policy of NOT U replies and take some constructive criticism and try to involve more people in the balancing team because different points of view help a lot - together with making easy accessible feedback system-the 4.86 feed back topics are all the way to go. We do need them a lot.
Govedo I read your replies in the old turret splitting thread :http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=52405&hl=turret&st=170
and didn't find you saying that razors will suck and what should be fixed on them. Then now when the stats are still in a beta stage the "I told you so" comes?.. .and "not listening to any kinds of feedback"?
The reasons why razors won't be allowed on class 6 slots is explained clearly......... then already on the first page of this thread there are the 3 options which possibly all combined (how much of each is a question) can change the razor a lot = looking for feedback/different points. I also asked the capdrivers on the balancing team for advices, there are multiple threads for different subjects in the balance section and I try to reply and take ideas from all of them......
so yes I'm very tired of this "You don't listen to any feedback", that is calling black white.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
I haven't had any problems using battlerazors, gunboat, cruiser or battleship.
The problem is that you people think BRazors are ment to chase down the enemies. Well, they're not. They are point-blank defense guns for incoming bombers or gunboats/cruisers. You're not going to hit much if the target is not after you.
If you want to deal damage to snubs that are in a furball or running away, you got more chances to kill it with solaris or primaries than razors, so stop whining about it and go learn how to use it.
At the moment my cruiser has regular turrets and 4 battle razors equiped. The reason for this was: Cause all the razor slots were just annoying. I had no control which one would shoot when at which position. And I think more cruisers have that problem. So i simply use regular turrets for shooting, and the razors for steady aim moments.
Maybe another solution could be to only have 2 special-gun slots on a cap but on great positions. And with great positions im talking about: position one: Can shoot at every side except down, position two: Can shoot at every side except up. Maybe an solution in my opinion.
I hope this post brought people on ideas, or that I brought a good meeting-discussion point.
This post was a pure opinionizing post, and not an post to convince or to advice.
It are not the actions that defines a mans worth...
It are the intentions what are behind it,
What makes the person who he is and where he stands for.