The meeting room lights flickered on. Christiano Audaz entered the room, carrying a box of Cardamine cigars, and a handfull of papers. He hands one to the guard. ''These are the Dons that are to be allowed in, all others are to be stopped at the door.'' The guard salutes, then reads over the list.
Representing the 101st:
Miguel Marron
Lope Rainerio
Representing the Reapers of Sirius:
Silent Assasin
Representing the Blue Lotus Society:
Roberto Rastapopoulos
Diego Acevedo
and the Commander of this vessal, William Bonello
Chris would have the double task of moderating this meeting and representing the Epigoni, as Vincent was laid up with an illness dirrectly related to drinking heavilly combined with an extreme cardimine dosage. He sits down at the head of the table and sighs heavily. He worrys about junior, who was given the major resposibility to run the smuggling opperations of his transport corperation this week in his absence. These were troubled times for his beloved homeland, which was why he had called the meeting. He reviews his agenda as he waits for the other Dons to enter.
Items on his agenda:
The organized defense of Alpha
The organized retaliation on the corsair scum
The further 'Enlightenment' of other societys
What to do about the Omega Pirating guild's wavering loyalties
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
Don Roberto Rastapopoulos strode through the massive halls of the Fantasia, it's Bretonian make dulling the beauty and pallor of the Outcast architecture applied to it. Alongside him walked a man dressed in a suit almost as grand as the linen suit of the Don, a man Roberto trusted as his lieutenant and like a younger brother. This man was Master Diego Acevedo, captain of the O.S.S. Loto Azul and 2nd in command of the Blue Lotus Syndicate. Roberto smiled in an almost fatherly fashion at his lieutenant, his aged features wrinkling aristocratically as his face muscles formed the shape.
The Onassis stood in connection with the Fantasia, an umbilical-like tube connecting the two capital ships in case of need for a hasty escape or tour of the Onassis. Finally, both men came to a massive, sealed door casually tucked away in a redly lit corridor. While it would seem to the casual observer that merely 10 elite guards stood guard at the bulkhead, Roberto knew a far more elaborate system awaited. He walked up to one of the elite guards and spoke;
"This is Don Roberto Rastapopoulos, Supreme Smuggler and Grand Master of the Blue Lotus Syndicate, and Senor Diego Acevedo, 2nd in command and a Master in the Blue Lotus Syndicate."
The guard silently nodded, punching in a 50 digit code to allow the door to swing open. The 2 men silently walked in and the door slammed shut as they went, leaving only the well lit floor and the 100 guards occupying the room. The guards saluted the Don and his subordinate as they went, having no ultimate mortal master but the Council.
Then, the 2 men eventually came to the end of the corridor, and passed through a corridor filled with numerous strenous security measures. Finally, it opened into a small, heavily armoured door and a small chapel, at which Roberto and Diego knelt and uttered a short prayer;
"Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc,
et in hora mortis nostrae.
A prayer uttered by over 10 million Outcasts every day, and yet one so poignant and chilling to those beyond the edge of the law. From the perspective of the Outcasts, the constant threat, the constant conflict and death, the overwhelming torrent of sin and fascism, filled the hearts of even Don Rastapopoulos with religious desire. The two men then entered a final code at the door and entered the large meeting room, taking their seats at the enormous table.
Don Roberto Rastapopoulos spoke in fluent Italian, his brass, thickly accented and yet discordant voice echoing across the room;
"Sono sicuro che siete stati informati di me ed arrivo del mio socio, indossa Audaz. Per favore, dica alle vostre protezioni di passare i miei cigarretes di Cardamine al mio socio, poich? sono un sufferer del gene del Olympus di anima di Cardamine ed all'incapace allineare consumare il ambrosia di Malta. Una cosa la pi? sfavorevole, ma forse nel ritorno fornire una poca anima Olympian per voi e l'altro onorato indossa dei Outcasts, no?" I am sure you have been informed of me and my associate's arrival, Don Audaz. Please, tell your guards to pass my Cardamine cigarretes to my associate, as I am a sufferer of the Olympus gene of Cardamine blood, and am unable to truly consume the ambrosia of Malta. A most unfortunate thing, but perhaps in return I shall provide a little Olympian blood for you and the other honourable Dons of the Outcasts, no?
A ship was seen from viewing windows of the Fantasia, A Saber to be exact. It docked with the Bretonian battleship, and the pilot inside made his way to the Council room. While the others are waiting within the council, a voice is heard from outside the door. A familiar voice;
"Open the damn door for them already! Before I have you shoved in the air lock!", he yelled.
"My apologies, Don Rainerio."
"I'm not a Don! Why is everyone call me that these days? I'm just a normal Guard pilot!"
The door opened and Two men walked in to the council room, but not the ones who the others expected. Instead, one of the men seemed large enough to be a body guard, or an escort in other words. The other was holding a hologram projector creating a life sized image of Lope Rainerio. He set the device in the corner stood next to it. Lope's hologram moved to sit in his assigned chair as if he was really there.
"Sorry that I couldn't come in person", he began. "But someone still has to protect our home from those worthless Corsairs. I'm currently on board the Almada, I should be able to converse just as easily from here."
Lope saw the Cardimine cigars on the table.
"Pueblo, on your way back, please bring me some of those Cigars.", Lope said as the guard prepared to leave.
The large man took 3 cigars from the box and left the council room.
"Juan here shall be assisting me with any needs necessary if that's alright. As I can't exactly touch or move anything myself."
Lope sat back in his chair onboard the Almada and waited for the others to arrive.
Willow popped the last of the overly-heavy solid-gold trappings onto his black uniform, the pauldron-cape hanging limp under all the weight. Not that the thing wasn't already cliche, but now it was pathetic...Bonello made a note to request that the dress uniforms be lightened and proceeded out into the corridor.
"You realize that we're completely incapacitated while we're carrying this many important commanders, right, Will?" Mia handed him his datapad. "Up the Atmospheric Cardamine Levels another two parts per billion!" She shouted at a passing aide.
"Hence we're departing for Corsica the moment we have all our delegates on-board."
"That's not in the flight plan!"
"Oh, I forgot to log it. Sorry."
"Ugh...Whatever, good luck." She snapped around and went the other way as his hand made contact with the access panel. The door snapped open and he proceeded into the council chamber.
"Good evening, gentlemen!" He came around the edge of the circular table, nodding as he went. "Chris, Rob, Diego, Lope. I see the boys from Reaper Squadron haven't gotten here yet. Miguel couldn't make it?"
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Don Roberto Rastapopoulos spoke to Captain Willow in a tone belying a conflict of respects, the respects of the Outcast Don between the 101st and his host;
"Il 101st verr?, ammiraglio Bonello. Sono Outcasts, come noi. Non rompono gli accordi, non mancano le scadenze e non apprezzano la supposizione come layabouts quando hanno funzionato le decadi per effettuare la loro indipendenza dai Corsairs, la schiuma della casa e dopo le centinaia di combattimento sulle centinaia delle battaglie accanto noi! Cos? li raccomanderei di tenere la vostra linguetta!" The 101st will come, Admiral Bonello. They are Outcasts, like us. They do not break agreements, they do not miss deadlines and they don't appreciate being presumed as layabouts when they have worked decades to maintain their independence from the Corsairs, the house scum, and after fighting hundreds upon hundreds of battles alongside us! So I would advise you to hold your tongue!
Gentleman, Gentleman, please! I expected many late arivals as there is a lot of fighting between here and our other bases. We will get this meeting underway once all have reported in.
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
A beeping noise is heard from Lope, a new transmission had just been received on his comm device.
"Seems Miguel may not be able to attend." He began, "Looks like there's a couple of problems on Corsica that need to be dealt with. He requested for us to start without him, and he shall come if he has the time. I will be dealing with business for the 101st then."
Lope looks at the clock beside his transmitter and asks,
Willow plopped down into his chair, politely refusing one of Chris' cigars; his lungs were in too good condition to soil like that, and the air was already heavily enough saturated with Cardamine. Instead he flagged down one of the guards. "Perez, bring us some drinks, alright? The finest vintage we have, if Mia didn't give the whole damn cellar away." The slender attendant nodded and glided away. "Shame Miguel can't make it, we haven't touched base in God knows how long." he tapped the Communicator beneath his copious rank bars. "Sensors, Comms, any sign of the Reaper Dreadnought yet?"
"No such luck, boss. Just the Epigoni destroyer, the Lotus destroyer and a couple'a Cardamine convoys."
"Drat. I suppose nobody's up for a few hands of Poker while we wait?"
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen