LARGE TRAIN: yes, it's a replacement for vanilla trains (still has not final confirmation, it may change). And yes, there's other variants with less containers.
PASSENGER SHIP: Thsi is, basically, a ferry boat. A liner, but not a luxury one. We're thinking of creating worker passenger commodities to bring back and forth to work places like mining stations and such, and they will need a cheap transportation for those everyday travels.
Meh, those two ships are in fact not so great. The Train looks... well... ugly. The containers seem to be too big. And the Ferry looks okay. Just, it's too "repetitive." It's basically 3 decagons (if that's what that shape is called) stuck together in a row.
Yes of course the train is ugly. It's meant to be functional, not beautiful. And the containers are indeed big, I might shrink them a bit, or not. Size by itself doesn't mean much in space.
As for the passenger ship, just wait to see it textured, it looks much better.
Anyway you're right, my ships pretty much suck compared to Hades' models. He's an expert modeler, and I am not.
PS: bear in mind, anyway, tha Broken Bonds is not Discovery. It has a low-tech approach to spaceships, and while in Discovery many ships tend to look like post-modern sculptures, in Broken Bonds ships are much more what they are meant to be: big metallic things. This said, the Southern Cross has the most practical designs, while the Medicean Empire cares a lot more about the looks.
I like the idea of ships fitting their purpose and therefore not looking so awesome. Some of Disco's ships really shouldn't even be capable of activating their engines, judging by the designs.
Another update! This is (probably) the last model update for the Southern Cross Defense Force cruiser:
Hopefully. Might need to send it to my texturer and delete the file on my end to ensure that I stop going back and making changes
Just finished the SCDF Frigate, which has two railguns, 8 PD (might need to add more) and 4 primaries (might make PD instead). Only one of the two side engines has nozzles because I CBA to mirror the whole thing.
Hades, I'm glad I forgot the older version on another computer and thus didn't start hitboxing yet. Otherwise I'd be in the mood to crucify you. But like this, good work.
Now send the model to others and keep your hands off of it:P