Vixen rolls her eyes out of sight, turning around but shaking her head to the approaching bartender. "I might have some drinks later on in the night, if I can put this little one to sleep...but nothing too strong, I about you, avoiding alcohol?"
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Evangeline cocks her head to one side, eyeing Vixen intently as she sips her drink.
Bad things happen when I get drunk.
Evangeline continues sipping the drink, the ice cubes sloshing around and colliding with the glass to produce slight ringing noises. She appears to lose herself in thought momentarily, staring at the wall behind the bar.
Vixen's expression softened, a slight look of worry on her face. She stepped a little closer to Eva, standing right next to her. " something wrong?" She murmered, lowering her voice so that only Eva could hear. "You can tell me...i'm your friend, Eva." She scanned the blonde-haired girl's face for signs of emotion, even though she had grown distant and passive.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Evangeline stops dead for a moment, the glass suspended in her arm midway through a draw. Her expression dulls to a depressive state as she seems to ponder something before replying.
Nah. Nothing wrong. Just thinking about someone, is all.
Don't worry about it. I don't wanna be a dampener on your party in any case.
Evangeline turns to face Vixen and smiles, although it becomes apparent her eyes are watery.
Jim looked at eva direction a second time then back to the congresswoman.
"Pretty sure its her.. bret would definitely know, though I recognize brets crew and Vixen."
he though a moment.. about rick.. pelt..
"Pelt.. is a scrappy character.. likes getting into fights.. got into a few he started and i was unfortunate enough to finish.. not fond of that whipper snapper behavior so id advise you... to form your own opinions about people first hand. At least in regards to Eva.. granted shes not in some personal crisis.. you might actually meet her as a person.. instead her reputation."
Jim was wishing he had something to drink about now...
"Me personally? She treats me well and I treat her well. So I have a dilemma when i hear other things from fellow congressmen... personally I keep to my routes keep an eye on my investments.. And most importantly make sure my patients are tended to. Like Bret."
"Yea, Richard I can best put it." She crosses her arms and leans against the bar. "Well, I've never met her, so I only know what the others have said about her. Does she really go around in one of those Scyllas shooting every Junker in sight?"
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Veris finally finishes arguing with bret and looks around, clearly nervous, not knowing anyone besides vixen. She wanders over slightly nervous, giving her a wave as she comes up, not knowing how to start the conversation.
Vixen frowns slightly, resting her free hand on Eva's shoulder. "Hey, come on now. You're in good company...But i'm not going to force you. Just try to enjoy yourself, okay?"
One ear flicks to the side, seemingly independant of her own thoughts, before she turned to look at the silent Veris. "Oh! You must be Daniel's partner...I'm not sure we've been properly introduced, hmm? I'm Vixen..." She gives Eva a slight supporting squeeze on the shoulder, before releasing her, and extending it to Veris. "Pleased to meet you..." She gives her a slightly embarrased smile. "I'm sorry, I...uhm, I can't remember your name for the life of me."
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Evangeline snerks audibly, Vixen's own memory issues resonating within at a core level. She, whilst continuing to sit at the counter, turns to face the ever-so-slightly embarrassed Vixen and smiles.
I'm sometimes told I'm a bad influence on people. Who'd'a thought my memory problems were included?
She giggles softly before turning to face the unknown woman, her favourite projection of haughty dominance quickly taking over the experienced actress's persona.
Veris shakes vixens hand and replies: "Just call me Veris, everyone else does." She turns to look at eva: "Um... no, who are you again? Not someone i shot, i hope?" Her face is deadpan, and one can tell she is not joking on that last part, and one gets the feeling she has shot many people.