The Sarcophagus hurtled through space, drives at maximum capacity, stealth and recon systems engaged.
A hive of commotion on the bridge. On a raised platform in the middle, Colonel Michal Golanski was conversing with Commander Allerton, the Navigator.
Colonel, we've been traversing up and down this sector for two weeks now. Nothing, except the harassment of nomad patrols. What are we doing here?
Commander, the nomad patrols are exactly why we're here. We all know Iota can't be their sole hideout, but we cannot penetrate any further in force. This is the best alternative. This sector has seen the most nomad activity we can get a finger on, so something's going on in this system. Is that understood?
Yes sir! Allerton crisply salutes and walks off. Golanski watched him go, and rubbed his forehead. This was a fruitless search, yet he was committed. A thorough recon of this system would get him something, he was sure. Pressing a few buttons patched him into the ship intercom.
Crew, this is the Colonel. Prepare for Recon sweep. Pressly, start a probe sweep. Allerton, plot a system wide course, Running silent as usual, you know the drill. Get to work!
There was a commotion, shouts of "Yes Sir!" and "At it, Sir!" as Golanski leaned into his seat. Normally action was bad, as it usually meant death and loss of many dear ones, and a lot of sorrow, but now he itched for action. The waiting tired him.
The simulator, down in Engineering was on, a man inside it. Santos Bolevara grunted with effort as he worked out inside the Simulator. Ships did not allow the kind of space needed for intensive workouts, so this was the best substitute. Finallly, he came out, dressed in a tracksuit and drenched in sweat, when he heard the announcement.
Great, more roaming around empty systems with nothing to do. This is worse than babysitting Benford while she's on her period.... His thoughts went back to that time. Maybe not.
At least he was staying in shape. Usually he was commanding the Sarcophagus, but with the Colonel in command, not much remained to him except to stay in shape and make sure the Marine teams were not caught napping if needed.
Reminds me. Got to get them all in simulators for a test run. He walked off, scarcely expecting anything out of the ordinary.
- "Weapon systems seem to be working fine. The nomads did scratch our hull, but the core remained pretty unharmed. No energy leaks detected, Commander."
- "Carry on, Lieutenant."
Another planned inspection. Not the kind of tasks Brian actually liked. He would prefer sitting in the cockpit of his Bastet and actually doing something to simply checking whether everything was fine onboard the vessel he was assigned to. The Sarcophagus and its crew have been scouting the sector for already two weeks. For Brian those were two weeks of routine shifts. "At least in Minor I could do something useful. I guess I'm starting to miss the action." Back on Toledo he'd get plenty of it, even more than he needs. The Core, the nomads... While in Minor, Brian hated it when he had to work double-shifts. Now he was not so overburdened with duties, but lack of action was almost as bad as too much of it.
Besides, Brian was used to operating alone. But things have changed. He was now Commander Brian Scott, and the title ("It sounds rather cool, I must admit that") symbolized more responsibility and making decisions. This wasn't exactly up his street (at least Brian would say that), so he was glad to have Captain Bolevara and Colonel Golanski in charge. Although Brian could take command in critical situations, he'd rather concentrate on solving the problem himself, with the assistance of the others. So, the presence of two commanding officers was a relief for him.
However, it didn't change the fact that the routine was unbearable. Only fight simulations and training helped to distract, and Brian intended to train a bit. "After all, I need to keep in shape, or else I'll get shot down on my first patrol, once back in Minor." With this thought he headed for the simulators.
Corporal McClaud at armoury, checking up his equipment together with two other soldiers. As they were speaking he was checking his assault rifle and listening.
Why is colonel in charge? I don't like presence of such big ammounts of big fishes on that small ship.
He just cleaned a barrel, doing last checks.
Maybe they are expecting something? Or wanting us to learn from the best? Bolevara is leading ground team and I heard he is one of the best. And here's Scott and Golanski too.
McClaud put his rifle at place and spoken to them.
Better for us Snipes, we got good people to cover each other backs. But I do not know if ever see any action as a marines here.
They both nod.
C'mon get moving. Bolevara propably already missed us.
As they were walking through cruiser's corridors McClaud thought about their situation. In the middle of unknown system somewhere that no human was ever before. He never saw real action, except few live-shoot training but really no risk. How he will do? Is he useful at all? Nomads do not fight in close combat, they pilot whole space ships remotely. His assault rifle is not working in that war and they can come any day for him. 'I believe they know what they are doing.' When others pilot fighters someone needs to do a marine job if ever happens? He consolates himself his job is at least one of easier afterall. Through he joined Order to fight nomads he did not had any luck (or bad luck) and not saw any of those for months.
Dave went to the periodical medical check, to analyze the status of his brain activity during the last events from Sprague. Since then he changed radically. He was in his Quantum Entanglement Deck where he had access to the Cerberus XtraNet. The orders came from High Command to assist Sarcophagus' crew in the scientific domain. When he arrived, the scientific equipment aboard the vessel was good enough for the type of research and study necessary on the patrol mission. He later found out that aboard the vessel were most of the important figures of The Order. The mission was important as it seemed to be. The vessel was in intense patrol in the system tagged as "Unknown-64" for 2 weeks. While the time being he had enough of it to continue his research on the complicated DNA of the K'Hara. Despite the incredible amount of informations that he received from the mysterious K'Hara on Sprague, he couldn't access the entire databank because he wasn't trained enough, but he had several flashes of random images and schematics of strange alien related things. Those were still a mystery for him as well.
Dave towards a group of researchers from his assigned staff.
Dave : The amount of the terminal synapses is over the normal amount. This means only one think. Intense bio-engineering. Our DNA structure is made of salicylic acid with rybonucleis and in coloidal shape, but their form is made of nano synaptic links. It's .... wait. Let me make the calculations.
He revealed something on the holoprojector. He put a small shard of a very rare an unique K'Vosh crystal found on a remote planet by a Cerberus drone. Eventually from the shard he projected a link of star systems and even galaxies. He compared the DNA and the Galactic Links.
Dave : Marvelous...
The young research staff was amazed and moved. He went to the local communicator and sent a message to Colonel Golanski's Bridge Console.
"Colonel... Michal ! I've discovered something... unique. I will give a hint. DNA, Star system links, Nomads. We find the origin, we can reconfigure the K'Hara DNA. Finally something good from the research division in these 2 weeks of travel and intense search"
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign
In his cabin aboard the Sarcophagus, Raoul Duke was staring at a wall. He wished there had
been a window, but windows are a structural weakness. Finally, he tossed the apathy away, stood up and left the
cabin. This recon mission was lasting forever with no results so far, and the only thing to do there were
simulations and making fun of Bolevara. He made his way through the corridors and decks, cigarette at the corner
of his mouth and a bored look in his eyes. He eventually made his way to the cantina, where he gulped a cup of
coffee and had a little meal. He didn't doubt colonel Golanski's decision, because they were usually correct, but
the lack of activity got him a little anxious. With his spirits slightly higher, he went to the armory. There, he came
up to a sealed locker in the corner of the room. He pressed his face against a retinal scanner, and after a green
light and a beep, the hydraulic locks opened with a hiss. Inside was a custom-made sidearm firing positron-
encased tungsten slugs at near-luminal velocities, and his trusted High powered scoped gauss rifle. One can
never go wrong with superior firepower... He picked it up, and startled dismantling it. This mechanical work
was a routine he'd do every once in a while. I don't wanna my face blown off due to the lack of weapon
maintenance, and the oafs around here probably wouldn't know how to put it back together. After that, he locked
his guns away once more and went down to the engineering deck. He knocked on one of the simulators, and a
head in a helmet leaned out. The visor opened, revealing Scott's face. Hey Brian, fancy a round in the ol'
simulator? Sure, why not? Right, be there in a second. Duke made his way to the second one, put on the
neural interface gloves and a helmet. It reeked of sweat and bad breath. He opened the visor to get some fresh
air and shouted: Who was in here before? It smells like a pack of hobos slept in here! I think it was Bolevara...
Oh great, just as I thought. He closed the visor again, and immersed himself in a smelly training excercise.
Brian was sitting in the cockpit of the fighter. This time it was a "Bastet", one of the most advanced developments of the Order. "Fast and deadly. Raoul doesn't stand a chance." It took Raoul's simulator some time to load, so Brian study the surroundings. He was quite used to such areas: green nebula and those strange rocks. Soon Raoul's ship appeared on the scanners. Instinctively Brian checked the weapons. That time those were Reaper cannons, pulse guns and a couple of missiles. "Not the loadout I like, but we'll see what comes out of it."
- I hope you're ready for a beat.
- Why don't you try it and see what happens?
The duel began. Raoul was flying a Bastet too. "Man, I'll have hard time hitting that thing." Two ships began closing, entering a joust, with guns blazing. Brian knew how important the first approach was. He tried performing a barrel roll while opening fire with his pulse-guns. The targeting computer indicated several successful hits.
"How do you like tha... oh [CENSORED], a [CENSORED] mine!"
Raoul's old trick. He relied on mines, and Brian knew it, but the first successful joust distracted him. However, it wasn't late to do something. Brian quickly activated reverse engine and side thruster, then he made a slight turn and hit full speed. The mine had its own targeting system and followed Brian's Bastet, but there was not much it could do now... or so Brian thought. Having passed by one especially large asteroid, Brian heard a familiar warning... Incoming missile. "Disruptor." Before any other curse came to his mind, Brian realised that the threat was still present. The missile collided with the nuclear mine's outer shell and the explosion triggered the reaction. All smaller asteroids turned into dust, while larger ones were shattered by the explosion. So, in addition to the explosion damage Brian's shield received some hits from the asteroid wave caused by the impulse. However, the shields didn't fail this time.
Brian performed a rapid turn and prepared for another joust. "[CENSORED], why do I need those missiles?! I'd have done better with a couple Magma Hammers and a Mini-Razor... wait, a Mini-Razor!" It was about time Brian remembered about his main edge in combat. The edge which could help him that day. He went for another joust, making a couple of pulse shots to distract Duke, then he activated the Razor. A portion of antimatter slowly headed for Raoul's ship. Before the charge reached the ship's shields, Brian shot Reapers, but only a couple of times. "[CENSORED] that powercore!" However, the Reaper shot's reached Duke's Bastet right after the antimatter did its job. The enemy Bastet was crippled.
Now to finish you off, pal.
Two missiles headed in Duke's direction, while Scott kept on him and tried to hit the Bastet with the Reapers. Raoul couldn't do much with his shields down, so he went for the only viable option - evasion. "I will get you... You can run, but you can't hide!" However, hitting evading Bastet was hard, Brian could only scratch the hull a bit. He hoped that the missiles would do their job. The chase led Brian to a couple of especially large asteroids. Duke passed between them, and Scott followed. He was to obsessed with his attempts of damaging the enemy while the shields were offline. That was just what Duke wanted. Having launched a mine and a couple of countermeasures, he hit full speed. The victim was in the trap, and it was about to be sealed.
Things didn't go exactly as planned, though. Yes, commander Scott was about to run into another mine, and the explosions of two missiles would turn his ship into space dust. But luck and chance interfered.
Brian was still attempting to get Duke's Bastet with his Reapers... and one charge hit the mine. This caused an expected chain reaction. The mine exploded, leaving Brian's Bastet with no shield and once again disabling Raoul's shields. At the same time the missiles hit the countermeasures, and those two explosions left Scott's ship without fins and stabilizers. The impulse also hit Duke's vessel.
Brian tried to regain full control of the ship, but couldn't. He could barely evade the rocks which were flying around after the explosion. Nor could Raoul celebrate victory. The explosion shattered two asteroids, and some larger remains of them moved to each other, crushing Duke's ship. At the same time Brian lost control completely and crashed into one of the asteroids which were floating in Omicron Minor nebula.
As the two officers came out of a sweaty and tiring simulation, Bolevara stood outside, hands folded, amused expression on this face. He directed his words at Duke, for the most part.
Looks like you got creamed, Duke. He said with a smirk.
Duke flipped him off in reply, and Bolevara chuckled. Well played Brian, I was watching. Guess you're all trained and ready. Don't want you running for your mothers' underwear in the middle of a fight after all, si?
Even as they talked, an announcement went out over the intercom. It was the Colonel.
All ranking personnel, get on the bridge Immediately!
He looked up, and rolled his eyes.
Guess we're needed, Duke, Brian. Let's go.
He began walking to the elevator, the two Commanders in tow. The Elevator ride could take a bit, so he decided to initiate some conversation.
What do you think of this mission? He said.
Duke spoke first. Looks like a whole load of a time waste to me, but I ain't questioning the Admiral's Orders.
Brian could merely nod after Duke's words.
Suit yourself. Myself, I'm questioning D'Souza and giving him a whole lot of my treasure trove of swear words if this mission turns up nothing.
They had reached their destination, the Elevator doors opened, and they were on the bridge.
The bridge was full of people, as usual. Colonel Golanski was still on that platform in the middle, behind the bridge console. He usually was there, observing the crew doing their jobs and making sure that nothing goes wrong. Brian saw him checking the console. "Probably something important. I think I'll let Bolevara talk to him, once the Colonel's done with that message."
With that thought in mind he went to the Navigator. Allerton was busy plotting course.
- We received a message from the Colonel. What happened?
- Don't know the details. Golanski just ordered the full sweep of the system, can't say more than that. You really should ask him.
- So, you have no idea what's going on?
- The Colonel only mentioned increased nomad activity. Look Scott, can we talk later? You don't want the Sarco to collide with some large asteroid or get dragged into some unknown jumphole while we're moving, do you? Plotting course for such a large vessel isn't as easy as flying a fighter.
- Ok, Allerton.
Brian sighed. "Guess I'll have to wait until Golanski tells something about this operation." He took a free seat behind one of the terminals and began checking the gathered data. So far the advanced scanners of Sarcophagus couldn't detect the centre of that activity. "But that was two days ago. Something may have changed." Brian leaned back in the chair, waiting until the officers in charge give him more info.
Duke leaned on the wall near the bridge entrance. The simulation was intense, and despite the outcome, he was
satisfied with his performance. He knew that Brian was a better fighter pilot than him, and he wasn't the of the
kind that would held grudges. And Bolevara's scorns always flew past him, unlike his smell. The meal and coffee
has settled in his stomach, and he was yearning for another cigarette. He reached for his pocket, but then he
realized that the Colonel has a strict non-smoking policy on the bridge. Perhaps this commotion will finally yearn
some results... He looked at the weapons control console, and the young officer sitting in front of it. Although
Sarcophagus was a recon cruiser, the Order's "Better safe than sorry" policy meat it was armed to teeth. The
Resephs could easily take on Bounty Hunter destroyers, battlecruisers even, as he would be able to testify
himself. Colonel Golanski was still discussing something over the comms, so Duke decide to sneak outside the
bridge. After he passed the door, he leaned on the wall again, and with one smooth motion he pulled out a ciggy,
put it in his mouth and lit it. A blissful smile bloomed on his face as he puffed. Well, this mission's been more of a
vacation until now, and I wouldn't mind if it stayed that way.
Colonel Golanski was talking over comms. As talk came to a finish he closed comms and invited officers.
Good to see you in one place. I have uptate on our mission. In one of nebulas in this system we detected a planet which we need to scout in order to determine if it can be habitated or have some resources Order can use. I need ground team ready for landing, including Dave Synk who will try to find mineable resources on place. We will reach planet in around 4 hours so you have time to prepare. Bolevara gather your men, we still do not know about climate or atmosphere of this planet but I will keep you uptated as we will be closing in. Better safe then sorry so you get down there with weapons and full combat equipment.
He shows them holographic map of sector
Reason we haven't found this planet yet is that nebula cause sensor interference so it may be used to our advantage in case of planet development or to our enemies to set up a trap. Any questions?
How many people are going with us? - Brian asked.
Few marines will be coming with you, but land party won't be big.- Golanski answered
Vehicle or any sort of support?- continuing.
Yes one single APC will be dropped together with you. It is also equipped with proper hardware for better communication with cruiser while on orbit but mind that interferences full potential are not discovered yet. - Golanski looked on others, who have no more questions. Allright if that is all - dismissed.