Whispers and talk of this soon filled the room with tension. Dmitri's fellow students looked at him funny as he exited the classroom. The messenger escorted Dmitri to the dean's office with haste. As the young student was about to enter the office, his friends came up from behind.
"Hey Dmitri, what's going on? Why are you here?"
"Ya why?"
"Oh hey guys! Uh. I gotta go talk about some stuff, that's all."
"With the dean?.."
"Trying to lie to us like 'ol times as well? Hah! Won't work."
"Eh.. right.. Well. I don't know what's going on. Leave me be."
"Can we come in too?!"
Dmitri sighed.
"No.. Now screw off guys."
His friends looked at each other awkwardly as Mikhailov entered the Dean's office, closing the door behind him.
The dean had a look on his face that said "screw off." He angrily placed a letter into the palm of Dmitri's hand.
"You're in."
"I'm in?"
"That's what i frakking said, kid. Now get out of here. It's time for you to move on. Good luck."
"T..Thank you.. Sir."
"Get out before i shoot you in the leg."
"Yes sir! For Gothe-!"
"SHUT UP shhhhh! god damnit kid.. You can't say that here. Damn LSF agents are all over this place.. we're gonna have to move soon if this keeps up.... Damnit, just get out of here!"
Dmitri quickly scampered out of the Dean's office. He was greeted by his friends outside, anxiously awaiting his arrival.
"So?! What happened!?"
"I'm in."
"Wait.. What about us?"
"What the hell?! What do you mean you don't know?! Did you even ask about us?!"
"uh.. sure.. "
"No you didn't! Go back there an ask!"
"Ya Dmitri what the hell!?"
"Guys, frak off. Just 'cause you didn't get it doesn't mean you have to drag me down."
His two friends looked at each other, then back at Dmitri, who looked back at them. They soon left him be.
Dmitri had finished packing his school things and was walking towards his new home when he was approached by his two friends. The two young students quickly rushed towards Dmitri with anger in their eyes. But he was too fast, Dmitri had already prepared for this and wielded a dagger in hand. His friends would soon be dead, covered in their own blood.
Dimitri ran through the thick forest of Manhattan, searching for a place where he would have a good view of the upcoming task. Him and his companion found a spot near the tree-line where a valley was, perfect for the operation. The man beside him, Otto, had been his companion for every mission they'd been on. Though still in school, the two could easily take down a small transport leaving Manhattan's orbit. While Otto prepared the Missile Launcher, Dimitri called in to verify their target.
"Small civilian transport, right?"
Dimitri looked into the screen of a mini-computer he was holding. There was soon a reply confirming the target.
"Roger that Agent, should be approaching take off momentarily."
He nodded and closed the computer, putting it back into his pack he placed on the ground.
"Right. Otto, you ready?"
"Hell ya! Hey, you got the ammo?"
"Ya, here."
The sound of a freighter engine starting up began to become louder. It was apparent they were running out of time.
"Damnit! Hurry up Dimitri gimme the ammo!"
Dimitri pulled out two large missiles from his pack and began assisting his companion in loading the launcher. By now the engine of their target had reached it's full noise level and began it's ascent into the sky. The launcher was jammed though, and the freighter began to fly slowly upwards. The vessel was in sight, but they had missed their best chance to strike. The freighter increased in speed, and starting full on orbital cruise flight. Otto aimed the launcher once it was finally ready, but Dimitri realized what was going to happen. The vessel flew directly above them when the launcher fired, instantly crippling the ship and sending it into a spiral towards them.
They left their stuff behind, only worrying about their ass surviving. Dimitri was faster, and ran a bit farther ahead when he heard a dangerously close crash. He flew forward and landed abruptly back on the ground. But he didn't have time to check to see if he was ok, he instantly ran back to his partner, but found his legs were caught underneath part of a fallen tree.
Dimitri tried to pull Otto out of from underneath the trees, but to no avail. The air was silent, besides from the one thing that the Agent knew would attract attention, Otto's screams of pain. He couldn't talk, his legs and lower body had been crippled to badly and the sharp stings of pain were beginning to set in.
"Otto! You have to be quiet if I'm gonna get you out of here! The patrols will be all over this area soon!"
Dimitri tried to help and get his crippled companion to be quiet, but it was no use. The patrols were now beginning to arrive to the scene of the crash, and would soon be upon them. Otto continued to scream in pain.
"Frak.. Otto, you have got to be quiet unless you want to die here!"
The realization of his partner's death had just hit Dimitri. He knew he would not survive, and if he stayed here by a screaming and wounded man he would also be dead shortly. The LPI and LSF vessels were getting louder, about to reach the area. Dimitri sighed, then pulled out a dagger.
"Damn.. You were a good friend, Otto, I'll be sure to tell your story when i make it back to the college."
It was quick.
The now alone agent ran through forest, calling in for support on his radio. He would soon arrive back to the college, and be the most commended student there.