DSE)Goose LOG:
Completed a round trip through Liberty, all is well.
The following points were completed.
Milt Vehicles - 959 - BS Concord
Prisoners - 4797 ' Sugarland
Basic Alloy - 4797 - Ft Severn
The normal cut was transferred to operations.
[font=Times New Roman]Good to hear from you again, Rim. I assume all is well?
On a different note, I had noticed today there was a shortage in Engine components on-board Baltimore Station. I decided despite my ships.. problems, I would deliver some, to keep production steady. Thankfully Trenton Outpost had enough MOX to do complete runs From Minnesota, to New York and back. Shortage should be sorted for the next few days. It was smooth sailing, until some Outcast decided I needed to pay a donation 2 million credits, needless to say, he did not bother me after the Navy - and a few Vigilantes - found him, poor fool.
DSE)Goose LOG:
Hello Mrs. Doe, it's good to see other log reports. Yes all is well on the Goose, we have her systems aligned after these past weeks.
The crew is positive now that profits are rolling in and personally I am delighted with our new chief cook.
The dinners are magnificent however now I spend more time in the gym to compensate.
Completed another round trip through Liberty without a hitch.
The following points were completed.
Milt Vehicles - 959 - BS Concord
Prisoners - 4797 ' Sugarland
Basic Alloy - 4797 - Ft Severn
The normal cut was transferred to operations.
Lower hemisphere pass on Planet Colebrook.
Scanners indicate an extreme temperature range however may be suitable for mining operations.
Has DSE complete a mineral extraction assay on this planet?
[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman]
Dauntless has had the Comm issue looked at - Unfortunately it was a larger issue then I thought it would have been, and Dauntless was stuck on Beaumont for a good few days. On the bright side, that is all sorted now. Today was only a short run, I have personal matters to attend to, and needed to make sure my ship was back up to working standards.
Thank you for letting me know your details, I shall update the roster accordingly.
On a different note, trading went well today, we were pirated by the pirate group naming themselves The Society, it was not an unreasonable demand, so we shall leave it at that.
The new barge is being built, and we should get this before the week is out with a bit of luck, and then the Penny Project is all go. Today's list of cargo consists of the following:
Basic Alloy
Military Vehicles
Total profit has been sent to the Operations Platform.
Mrs. Jess Doe
Vice President
Deep Space Engineering
::::: Signal lost :::::
::::: Transmission Closed :::::
Pilot name: Demi White
Rank: Initiate
Ship name: DSE)Vengeance
Ship type: Mammoth
Unit: Transport
(0830 Hours - June 11)
This is the DSE Vengeance reporting in as per request upon completion of my first mission to DSE officials.
In summary this mission was finished after many hauls, some possibly aggravating but well maintained.
My first pick up on planet Manhattan was for food rations to be delivered to the people of Rochester base, The quota was 2200 Units; completed in 2 hauls without difficulty.
The next run would be from Houston Texas hauling Basic Alloy consisting of 4400 Units to Trenton base stockpiles. I made my way through New York and Texas tradelanes to Houston, picked up my first shipment of alloy and made my way back to Trenton where Standard payment was received upon delivery. Again i departed through the Trade lanes heading for the New York - Texas Gatelane when all of a sudden my tradelane was disrupted. Before I knew what was happening Rouge pilot Billeys.Poker.Face demanded one million dollars for a civilian life. I did not engage thinking I could make a quick escape however my cruise was disrupted and he was upon me once again, this time opening fire. With maximal damage I managed to get back to Trenton outpost where I repaired my ship; Thankfully I did not have any cargo or anything of value that would have fallen from my gaping cargo hold. I again restarted my journey towards Houston taking a small detour around the lanes and successfully entering Texas for my next pick up of alloy. I purchased the goods, made my way back, again taking a long detour bypassing the normal tradlanes instead taking another route to Trenton where I again received optimal pay. Departing Trenton base my scanners indicated a USI police ship with whom gladly escorted me the rest of the time. I would proceed to pick up the last of the alloy, with delivery and payment i would now pick up my third shipment of the day consisting of 500 units of Gateway and tradelane parts requested by Houston Texas. The USI police escort and I embarked for two round trips to Houston Texas, payment was pre arranged and received.
This consists the total of my first mission under DSE, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove worthy and hope you find my report satisfactory. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with future contracts and assignments and have yourself a wonderful day.
Congratulations on a job well done. This sufficiently proves to myself that you can adequately use the communication channels, follow instructions and furthermore, work under pressure.
I hereby offer you positions in our mining department, both in Texas and Pennsylvania, as well as access to light security vessels.
Contact me when you have time to arrange the access rights to said vessels.
Pilot name: Drake Forsythe
Rank: Initiate
Ship name: DSE)P.51-Mustang
Ship type: Arrow
Unit: Explorer
Mission Type: Induction
Sensitivity: Low
Mission 13.6.817.001 | "Liberty Sightseeing Tour"
Objective: Scout (close orbit or flyby) and document (image and report) all stellar, planetary & artificial objects in Central Liberty systems - New York, California, Colorado & Texas. Pennsylvania survey not required due to 'Penny Project'.
<<TARGET>> DSE Board Room commlinked with DSE Exploration Division HQ
PREAMBLE - Ladies and gentelmen of the board, seeing as how our Exploration Division is, bluntly, short-staffed at the moment, I am presenting this report to you, in place of the vacuum where our COD would otherwise have been. Furthermore, due to the evaluative nature of said report, I will keep it short and sweet.
Please note that I have provided an encrypted databurst containing surveillance from the mission:
The Central Liberty systems of New York, California, Texas and Colorado have been the cradle of Sirian interstellar civilisation since Settlement. As such, their planetary bodies and features are well known and exhaustively documented. Therefore this survey, conducted for DSE, will focus on access and travel within Liberty, to benefit the corporation's primary tasks of construction and trade.
Jump gates and Tradelanes have enabled Liberty to expand, and bring resources from the far reaches of space back to its populace. However, the advent of cheap and easy superluminal travel creates a pronounced "bottleneck" effect, restricting starships engaged in trade to use very specific flight paths. This restriction makes piracy and interdiction woefully common, simple to conduct, and difficult to prevent.
There are two options for corporations like DSE in this environment: Increase security on all flights, or attempt to find alternative routes. Respectfully, I'd venture that Exploration's mandate is a little cheaper compared to the extortion charged by most commercial mercenaries or the Guild.
Colorado's lanes serve as Liberty's primary access to Kusari and the Dark Matter anomalies found in between the two Houses. Despite the large population based on Planet Denver, the system is sparsely developed in the present era, due to extensive resource depletion in previous centuries. Ageria's space-based headquarters, Pueblo Station (ref1-19) remains the sole corporate entity in-system, protected by the Battleship Rio Grande and Navy patrols emanating from Planet Gunnison. The Durango planetoid, although interesting in an astrophysical sense, has little to offer in the way of location, resources or strategic value. Each of the four asteroid clusters in Colorado contain significant pirate activity, due to three having jumpholes anchored within their confines (ref1-15,16,18,22) The original Xeno base, Ouray, poses only a moderate threat due to its nature as a staging ground for other pirate factions along the Pueblo-NY lane (ref1-21).
Gravitationally unstable wreckage (similar to those found in the Texas Negras ref2-10,11) in the Copperton, Cheyenne and Silverton Fields may be worth salvaging, either to sell back to Ageria, or sending on to DSE Research & Development (ref1-17).
As the oldest continually inhabited system in Sirius, it should come as no surprise that New York is both the most lucrative and, often, the most dangerous system to ship goods and supplies through. The itinerant Junker population centred on Rochester (ref1-23), and the Rogue 'capital base' of Buffalo (ref1-34) allows the full gamut of Sirian criminals to stage raids, hit & runs on government targets, smuggling, black market deals, even full gate blockades. The sadly lackluster coverage offered by LPI and the Liberty Navy has produced a situation where no part of NY space is truly safe from 'incidents'. Jumpholes to Colorado (ref1-24), Texas (ref1-35), and even to points within the system (ref1-33), are a double-edged sword. They allow for alternate shipping routes or escape from blockades (or pirate "gatecamps"), but are also attractors for criminal ships. Since Ageria has yet to provide a way to collapse a jumphole, beyond the crudest of methods (ref-Texas Incident), DSE may have to utilise these natural wormholes as fall-back transit routes.
From a commercial standpoint, NY offers any number of markets for DSE supplies and future projects. Manhattan orbit already hosts the Trenton Outpost and Newark station; there remains room for at least another two large stations (ref-New London & New Berlin orbital tracks) for DSE to construct in future decades.
The dark matter pocket (ref1-46) in orbit of Pittsburgh is both an ideal concealment location for any risky commercial enterprise, and I'm sure the boys in R&D would appreciate a facility there one day, now the Zoners run Ames in Kepler.
Quote:<<DSE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY>> A clandestine survey of Zone-21 and the jumpgate it houses was conducted in between tradelane flights to the Texas gate. The gate itself is active, and responded to my ship's diagnostic inquiries. Although the draconian security arrangements the Navy made around it, I feel we could at least 'put feelers out' on a deal with Admiral Hale. I'm confident we could supply and maintain the gate, and whatever stations they have on the other side. I'm likewise confident that whatever maintenence they're currently doing is dangerously outside DSE and Ageria's EULA for superluminal equipment.
I've made sure the gate's systems didn't log my presence, and I'm also quite sure my vessel was below the local turrets' defensive mass-detection threshold. I suppose now you understand *why* I requested an Arrow for these missions, sir.
California, with its growing population, terraforming project, and Navy research station, sees heavy traffic along its lane network. The back doors to Cortez (ref1-62) and Ontario (ref1-59) allow piracy on the Mojave-NY lane to reach unbearable levels at regular intervals. The lane between the Magellan gate and Los Angeles also attracts criminal ships and raids on shipping are frequent. Despite the stationing of the LNS Yukon in deep orbit at the terminus, Outcasts will often bring bombers and gunboats into the LA defense perimeter to extort traders or exact revenge on Navy personel (ref-Drake's Log, BWT S.S Fools Rush In, c.816as)
The jumpholes to Texas and Pennsylvania (ref1-75,80) in the Whitney Field would normally be useful to DSE Shipping, but the proximity of the Rogue base 'Alcatraz' will likely force company pilots to stick to the tradelanes.
Frankly, Cali is a mess, often more so than NY. DSE should ship from the Cortez gate, straight up to the Ontario gate, and take anything of value through the Colorado-NY-Texas corridor.
The Texas system, as members of the Board will be painfully aware, is a stain on Liberty both literally and figuratively. The Texas Incident has littered the system with dangerous radiation sources, dark matter nebulas, and wreckage. Although never a candidate for terraforming, the planet Chisos has been ruined for mining operations by intense irradiation. The Junker stronghold of Beaumont Base serves to cut off any scrap salvage operations DSE may undertake as well.
The lanes between Houston and the NY gate, Houston and the Bering gate, and even the Hudson gate are subject to continual Rhineland Military incursions. Obviously while the war is stil running its course, DSE won't be trading across the blockade (unlike some: ref2-28), but existance of a jumphole to Hudson in the South Dallas Debris Field (ref2-14) remains an 'opportunity'.
As Liberty's manufacturing heartland, Texas will continue to need bulk imports. The Houston Docks provided a comprehensive analysis of the planet's current requirements (ref2-23), as well as their export produce and tarrif list.
The 'recent' annexation of Minnesota also presents DSE with another construction and maintenence market (ref2-25).
On the subject of local wormholes, the flight away from Grande Negra yielded the location of a link to the Puerto Rico system (ref2-13). A few discrete inquiries on Beaumont later revealed that the Junkers claim that system and protect it fiercely. Similarly, the location of the Virginia jumphole (ref2-31) is probably not something we should be casually referencing either.
SUMMARY - Everything ventured in Liberty comes bundled with risk. These risks, however, are not dire, nor are they hard to offset. Flexible planning and comprehensive star charts should allow DSE to continue to provide services and reap profit in its home territory.
To enable these goals, Exploration Division now stands ready.
Ladies and Gentelmen, I thank you for your time.
Marvellous report I have here before me. You have covered exactly what I required and presented it to me as I requested. This shows me you have pride in your work, can follow instructions and use the communication channel effectively.
As our current HoD of Exploration has appeared to have abandoned her employment, I would like to offer you the position of Acting Head of Department of Exploration until we can solidify your instatement properly.