You see, Mr. Able, not always will money fix things. There such thing as loyality, respect and reliability.
We shall try to extrac evidence out of our archives.
Let's say this, hunt us 5 Lane Hackers per per next 7 days, and we will forgive this incident.
Add this to your Bounty Board List Sir and this will officalize everything
I'll ensure the job is done, or at least 3 are destroyed on behalf of the IC and your respect granted back to us, We wish for no payment for this action, only respect.
ID's and Death Messages will be GunCammed and reported upon my arrival in lets say (given the time you put the bounty on the board) 8 days from now 11/12 May
Good day there. I have reviewed archives myself, but won't provide them due to security reasons.
Able Aces, the last days Lane Hackers had inflicted us heavy damage as well as decreased our income, thus, you are welcommed to the hunt. Also, make sure to toy with them if possible, so they would suffer more than they should.
Mr. Lehmann will update our target list later and will add you to the list of registered groups.
Ech. Criminals will never learn. For the assault of my personal ship I announce new taget: -UA-[Abraham], make him suffer, first claim on him will be rewarded with codename weaponry.
Well, captain, I feel your pain. I've seen that penguin dispatching 2 traders and I couldn't do anything about it. Sad, I know.
So, the killer-penguin was getting all mighty and "hella cool, foo", if you know what I am saying. So, i waited and a trader with an escort showed up. So we got him out of the system for a while. The fight itself was on a retarded side, but when we kept his shields down and started chipping him away slowly, but surly, he got his little ones in the bunch and ran away to his base, probably his mom was waiting there, getting mad. The funny thing, when he was running from us he stopped being "Hella cool", that was funny.
To make this story short, we didn't kill him, but he payed some money for repairs and he got his panties moist. Here is the proof.
User was banned for: banned pending staff discussions
Time left: (Permanent)
That's great. I suppose we could add payment for forced docking and repairs!
Thank you very much! Sadly, due to legimate reasons we cannot pay you, however, we will be able to provide you a discount on our codename shop!
' Wrote:This are great news. I am interested in taking a peek in your Codename shop. If you could tell me who should I contact, i'd be greatful.
At the moment captain you can find a somewhat up to date list of our current weapon stocks here Please inquire about any items you'd like to buy there and someone will arrange a time for the transaction to take place.
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.