Lohingren stand up and takes a cigar and lights it up
"as the leader of the reapers i find that my men will have trouble following order through anyone but me, we have went through thick and thin together from constant attacks on our home planet of baillia by coalition forces to traveling to the sirius sector onboard the arch angel. they where brought up from day one to follow the Archon and no one else but the Archon. but i to think that we are in need of some kind of merger or atleast a mutual understanding that if one of our leader's is not on then the leader of another squad takes its place."
Lohingren strokes his beard
"i would suggest a hierarchy a list as it where of each of the don's in order of rank and if one man is out of commission the other takes his place as supreme commander until a higher ranking officer takes place, now as lope addressed earlier the 101st does not and will not take orders from any man but from the 101st. this is why i think that the leader of the 101st should be the number one choice for supreme commander and then the other factions following this being the Blue lotus society, Epigoni, and ourselves the Reaper's. i would personally suggest a vote as to who is most fitting to be second,third and forth in command. this is just a suggestion but i think maybe one to consider"
Don Roberto Rastapopoulos spoke;
"Indossi Lohingren, se i vostri propri uomini non obbediranno un ordine per prendere gli ordini da un altro indossano, quindi credo che abbiate un problema dei personali che pu? trasformarsi in in una responsabilit? ai Outcasts. Il punto stesso di questo Confederacy deve evitare il warlordship e il pettyness dei nostro pegni, quale il Rogues, Chrysantheneums dorato, Mollys o tele di iuta e mettere a fuoco su una parte anteriore unificata del Outcast.
Penso che dovremmo mirare come, ad una Camera unificata Hispania. Per nuova Malta, nuovo glory, nuove conquiste, nuovo territorio, nuove flotte tutte attraverso Sirius! L'aggiunta ? soltanto un precursore a questo obiettivo ed aumentare i nostri militari affiler? la lama con cui tagliamo le gole bloated delle Camere.
Chi ? con me?" Don Lohingren, if your own men will not obey an order to take orders from another Don, then I believe that you have a personnel problem which may become a liability to the Outcasts. The very point of this Confederacy is to avoid the warlordship and pettyness of our pawns, such as the Rogues, Golden Chrysantheneums, Mollys or Hessians and to focus upon a unified Outcast front.
I think we should aim as I do, for a unified House Hispania. For a new Malta, new glory, new conquests, new territory, new fleets all across Sirius! Addiction is merely a precursor to this goal, and upping our military shall sharpen the knife with which we cut the bloated throats of the Houses.
"A problem with your theory, Lohingren. The 101st have no main leader of any kind. Most of us think on our feet and only appoint a leader when necessary. If you were suggesting me as the leader, I can not take it. I am only representing the 101st at this council, I do not lead it."
Lope looks over to Roberto and answers;
"A plan that may work, Roberto. I'll admit to that. Though before we can go with that plan, the bugs must be worked out first..."
Lohingren takes a heavy draw from his cigar and places it on the ash tray while exhaling the cloud of smoke.
"my men shan't be a problem as i said they obey only the Archon but with explanation i can easily sway them."
Lohingren smiles
"and it is a good point my friend it would be hard to elect such a leader and as i said just a suggestion which is out of the question due to no leadership partaken in the 101st.
after a slight hesitation to see if there was any replies Lohingren carries on his talk
"i also agree with Lope on this one Roberto my friend a very intriguing plan one that very well may work, with the right amount of work given to it could turn out to be a very effective plan indeed."
Willow let go of his breath; that was two of the three major players right there, and he doubted the Epigoni would withhold their support under the pressure of the others.
"In that case, gentlemen, I propose we settle on something, and soon. I've envisioned this setup working something like this very poorly and very hastily constructed chart:"
"The supreme commander, is, obviously, the highest tier on the bar, capable of ordering all signed forces from any Maltese faction at his will, as long as the leader of the faction allows the elected Supreme Commander command of his or her men. This does not include the 101st, who are considered an autonomous entity, where each member of said faction has the authority to remove him/herself from the Supreme Commander's dominion at will.
"The chain of command would be as follows: The Supreme Commander, followed by his Executive Commander (in the event that the Supreme Commander is not available). After that, the 101st should be given command within Omicron Alpha and Omicron 85. If the 101st are unavailable, command within Alpha/85 should be transferred to the largest available craft. Otherwise, the RoS and Epigoni are to have equal authority. If there is a dispute over command the commander with the largest number of available ships should take precedence. If NONE of these are available, the Blue Lotus Syndicate have precedence. They are placed so lowly on the scale because of their more smuggling-oriented specialty and their relatively young age. Past that are all the independent signatories of this pact, who should submit to the Supreme/Executive Commanders and the highest available faction authority." Willow closed his mouth. Wait and see...
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Don Roberto Rastapopoulos spoke;
"Non vedo edizioni con questa soluzione particolare e cos?, il mio voto ? Yea." I see no issues with this particular solution, and thus, my vote is Yea.