Welcome to a place to send daily/weekly reports to the flag ship of the FTM.
I hope to find you all are well as we begin to open negotiations with all houses....
here you can send encrypted data to me in reports.
I wish to know major details -- not lengthy reports.
IE -- carried product from a to b, next product...
we don't need cam shots unless something major happens
such as a house refuses to allow you to carry legitiment goods within their laws.
or a faction or corperation refuses to allow you dock entries. These I would like cam shots of what you are carrying, and the ensuing converations -- or atleast transcripts...
Please read the Laws of Sirus and know all the house laws
Especially if your smuggling or pirating.... (not that we would do such things)
Our Political Leasion officer will address these issues asap...
You will want to know the three basic rules we have...
1) Proffit Proffit Poffit
2) never get caught smuggling -know when your not running legal goods within a house
3) if smuggling -- never use trade lanes
4) know all the jump holes for yours and my protection.