Vixen frowned slightly. "I know that...but...I hate seeing you this way. I want to help...somehow." Her ears flicked back, The concern in her eyes very apparent.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Vixen sighs slightly, masking her emotions with a smile. "Well, okay. I don't think I have met anyone except Misaka, and even that was just over the comms...I didn't even see a ghost of a person when I was on your ship. You gotta introduce me sometime..."
She gave Eva a quick hug, slightly awkwardly. "Goodnight, Eva."
And with that, she wandered back to the party, throwing off the emotions and sitting down next to Rika. "Thank you for taking care of Licentia, my dear...but I think it would be best that I take her to bed now."
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Rika gently strokes Licentia's back, then leaves her with Vixen. Rika,skips over,to where poor Jeremy is wilting under Agatha as Izzy stands back, hand over her mouth, silently laughing,at,his plight.
Vixen cradles the small, sleeping being in her embrace, and walks over to Bret with a slight smile. "I'm going to put this little one to bed...Jade and Swift turned up a little while back, They'll tell me if anything happens, okay?" She gives him a wide grin and retreats from the party for a while, Licentia sleeping uninterrupted.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
*Bret nods at vixen, his face turning a little white from hearing who else decided to come* Bret: I'll tell the waiters to hide the wine.. *He walks off oblivious to the antics of everyone else as the night began to take its toll* Agatha: So ensign..*hic*..Care to see how much better a xeno.. *hic*.. can be then a human woman in bed?..*hic*..Boy you have just the cutest hair..
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Mercifully, Rika tugged him away, whining about being hungry. Jeremy left all too gladly, grabbing a waiter. Izzy sat down in Jeremy's seat, laughing at the situation.
Veris watches the entire exchange with amusement, then walks over and stands next to Izzy, softly saying: "You care about him, don't you. Do not forget the feelings you have, for they will be what keeps you strong and able to endure his occasional blunders. Were women after all, its almost a law that we have to get pissed at them for something every now and then."
*Agatha unbuttons a few fasteners to her shirt as she clamours sultry up upon the the barstool, winking at Jeremy* Agatha: Ohhh...Pardon me Colonel..*hic*...Am I to be court martial'd for saying such?..*hic*.. *Evyn look over to Bret, pointing down at Agatha* Evyn: Why am I the only one that finds her actions unwanted right now?.. *Agatha looks up at her, snarling a little* Agatha: I haven't had a man in ages so..*hic*...back off!... *Feya peers over the bar, looking a little smug and pointing at Evyn* Feya: She likes going after older officers...I think she wants to try and get with Admiral..Fraiser...Heehee.. Evyn: Shut up!..
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Izzy says back softly "More than anyone knows..." She takes her necklace out from her shirt and clutches it. "We've known each other for years." She looks between Feya and Agatha, a small smile escaping as she watched Jeremy turn a shade of scarlet at Agatha. Izzy glanced at Rika, who was playing on her little computer, having failed at rescuing Jeremy.. "He has made one blunder, wadn't his fault. And I can never get mad at him..." She sighed. "Honestly...I'm glad his alcohol tolerance is absurd..."
Jeremy tried to get rid of the scarlet, and succeeded in dulling it to a pink/red.
"N-no, no court Help...please?"
Jeremy find his escape blocked by either people, Feya, or the drunk Agatha.