Yeah,things are still messed up.
Right now,at this very moment,I'm sitting at Freeport 2,watching 4 zoner npcs not moving,waiting to dock,and 1 of them is shooting his weapons in the same direction,with no target in sight.
Now they moved...a Spa and Cruise ship showed up (npc),and all ships and the freeport blasted it.
And now the tradelanes are shooting everything.
what about... make npcs not dock with stations anymore?
they can spawn in space and disspear when no player is in range anymore... so.
/edit: and till here i did not see that the bug appears with tradelines and jumpgates. so we still can let the convoys fly around... just make their route a circle?
Yep, a few minutes ago just before the server reset / ion storm /.
I saw the warning on the console and tried to dock at Niverton base. I was stuck in dock hold through the 2 minute warning. This time though, no NPCs were seen nor showing on the scanner.
I tried the dock command several times, but ended up being disconnected when the server shut down.
- Tig
EDIT: As soon as I got back up on the server, my ship spawned in space outside of the station, surrounded by about 6-10 LR NPC's... Hit the dock button and all worked fine.
Wow, I thought that was just me and my slow wireless connection this past week. Was trying yesterday to rep up to get the BMM ID/IFF combo in my dacite. I'm used to the legionnaires blinking from one side to the other, but even the mollies and lane hacker NPCs were doing it. Made a 2 minute mission battle last nearly 10, but finally achieved the goal.
Again, I thought that was just me trying to feed my new found addiction on what's just marginally better than dial-up.