Sorry, I'll try to stay on topic. But, I'm not sure what you mean when you say that this thread has been clean so far. Theres whole pages in here that are nothing but spam.
@Exile - Ha, i bet that was a pretty hard job for you! You've been AOS (Asleep On Skype) twice now right?:P
Once again, I am unable to track down a single picture of myself suitable for human viewing. I'll hopefully have some by late December; that's when the choir concert is, so you'll catch me wearing The Tuxedo of Doom, possibly the only piece of clothing in which I actually look good. [/inferiority complex]
EDIT: Found one!
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Got another one here. So the one on top is my roommate from college who is on top of my girlfriend and then me. Obviously by my t-shirt, you can tell I never wanted to go to the stupid toga party anyway:P. But I had fun anyway. And yes we are in a garage (there are some things I just won't miss about college). :crazy:
Deleted since the one below is embarrassing enough....i really think its a shadow or spilled tequila...have never pissed myself..ever...but you'll never believe that...have fun