That's nice, very nice, just turn the ships so the drop from top right to bottom left for the hydra and top left to bottom right for the atlas and maybe put the planet in the middle? See what that looks like. Apart from that, its spot on.
since you are my customer, you are always right, but I suggest to leave the planet the way it was in the original design. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the idea of how you want the planet to be positioned. Here is another preview:
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seeing it like that i cant tell the planets are there, try rotating the ships again, in the left box, pointing down from the topright to bottom left, and the right box, from top left to bottom right. either that, or place them in an asteroid field? one with a colour hat matches or fits with the rest of the design?
How about this. You want the planet to be visible and you wanted you sig to have an "outward" look. So, I came up with this. Asteroids might clutter the whole composition too much, it will become too noisy.
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