COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Captain Robert Meechum. CC: Liberty Navy Admiralty SUBJECT:Operation ENCRYPTION:RESTRICTED - EYES ONLY PRIORITY:HIGH
Hale here.
Captain Meechum, I'm going to give the go-ahead on this operation on a couple of conditions.
First is that we have a small group of our own transport vessels, un-marked, operating to bring whatever liberated assets the Gold pilots may obtain back over the border, without any fear of our operation being compromised by outsourcing the transport of these goods.
I would suggest Borderworlds model transport craft on independant trader identification papers and registration. Setting up a pass-code for these vessels would probably be wise. I'd hate to see these goods being seised and destroyed by our own occasionally over-zealous police forces in texas. If you could arrange with the Chief of Polce for clearance codes to be grated on a specific code-word, I would be most appreciative.
Second is that under no circumstances do we get caught. Having this operation compromised would be a massive PR dsaster. I don't need to tell you this, but for the love of all sanity be careful.
I've forwarded the details of this operation to Gold.
I was called on by Mister Ashfield to assist in finding and/or removing some pirates over at California. Upon entering, I encountered him at the gate. It seems the pirates have fled already as he says. Then he told me to patrol California, while he went to do something else [color=#33FFFF]*smiles*.
One by one, I checked everything off the list.
Mojave-California Minor lane: [color=#FFFFFF]Cleared
California Minor-Magellan JG lane: Cleared
Magellan JG- Planet LA lane: Cleared
Planet LA-Mojave lane: Cleared
Except for one lane which was the Planet LA-Cortez Lane. I found two freelancers crowding the lanes... First I thought they were pirates... but then they explained that they were having a Neon leak. I called Mister Ashfield for backup in case something happens.
It took us a couple of minutes... maybe hours to move their ship out of the tradelane's vicinity. On the way, it was spilling Neon. Then a Nomad shows up.
It was dispatched rather quickly by Mister Ashfield. As for the two Freelancers, the Captain manage to patch the leak for awhile up until at Cortez JG. I suggested to bring in the Douglas to speed up the repairs. It was completed rather quickly.
Patrol #2
On patrol in New York, I encountered two BHG capital ships over at Norfolk.
Both them repeatedly refused to leave until Vice Admiral Gray ordered them out. She escorted them to Texas JG whereby they opened fired on her ship [LN]-LNS-Montreal.
Both of them got destroyed rather quickly by our forces:
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Sub-lieutenant Aleesha Cooper DIVISION:36th Soaring Ducks SUBJECT:Action report
Good day.
First I must fill an official complaint concerning the skills of mechanics team on Battleship Petersburg. Due to their low qualification, which is inadmissible for the specialists on duty on the dreadnought of that class, my launch was delayed for almost half an hour. Due to this fact the operation against Outcast group in New York system, area C-6, could be endangered.
Though, I was just a decoration to the general success of this assault and proceed with chasing the Outcast Sabre The.Magican up to the Junker installation in Texas, area D-3, where it recieved green light for docking.
Chasing excercises continued in California, area F-4, where Admiral Jack Marlone and other officers were attacked by the gunboat and several Sabres. Aside from the destruction of the gunboat Saoirse and two of three Outcast armed gang's units, the chase continued to Texas where the Outcast used the same docking facilities as his predecressor.
The materials concerning the Outcast ships are added to the file.
Whilst flying around New York, I received some strange comms:
[color=#33FFFF]****Uploading part of ship logs****
[01.06.2011 03:56:17] Dario.Gaspar: Do not worry people of New York ! The show must go on!
[01.06.2011 03:56:34] Dario.Gaspar: Ohh Mr John... Such a waste of 200k of credits...
[01.06.2011 03:57:38] Dario.Gaspar: But dont worry now... The Magic Show is still free of charge!
I first dismissed these strange person as nothing more than to stir up the area, but I remembered a certain transmission James picked up while on mission at Hamburg. Based on what James said, I had reason to believe that this man was a terrorist and no doubt could cause harm to innocent civilians.
While at Norfolk, I contacted some [NG] pilots who where patrolling Texas. I thought they might provide assistance in hunting the man down. Turns out they caught him at NY JG-Planet Houston Lane holding several police pilots hostages. They said that he was going to put them through a Magic Act. I told them to wait for me before handling the situation by themselves.
[NG]Terry.Chapman - [color=#FFCC99]Avenger VHF
[NG]John.Jackson - Guardian VHF
They managed to stall him and I was able to arrive before the Magician did... The Magician was reportedly to have been Mister Gaspar's accomplice.
****Uploading part of ship logs****
[01.06.2011 04:08:41] Dario.Gaspar: What does the police report say?
[01.06.2011 04:08:53] [NG]-John.Jackson: Looks like he's finally here.
[01.06.2011 04:08:58] The.Magician: Hello Dario
[01.06.2011 04:09:02] [NG]-Terry.Chapman: A bomber...
[01.06.2011 04:09:03] [NG]-John.Jackson: Roc.
[01.06.2011 04:09:06] [NG]-John.Jackson: Wonderful.
[01.06.2011 04:09:07] Dario.Gaspar: The Great Magician has arrived!
[01.06.2011 04:09:13] Dario.Gaspar: Gather around!
[01.06.2011 04:09:19] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Aren't you guys, those wanted terrorists in Rheinland?
[01.06.2011 04:09:21] [NG]-Terry.Chapman: Oh good. does this mean we can start shooting you fools now?
[01.06.2011 04:09:49] The.Magician: The magic show is about to begin! Take your seats please!
[01.06.2011 04:09:50] Dario.Gaspar: Lets start the Magic show
[01.06.2011 04:09:56] Dario.Gaspar: For the first act
[01.06.2011 04:10:03] [NG]-Terry.Chapman: I have a better idea. How about we start the fireworks instead?
[01.06.2011 04:10:13] [LN]-Remus.Sius: You shall be shot at... Presto! Start the shooting!
[01.06.2011 04:10:17] [NG]-John.Jackson: Affirmative.
[01.06.2011 04:10:23] [NG]-Terry.Chapman: Sounds good, going live!
[01.06.2011 04:10:36] Dario.Gaspar: Skipping to the third act!
I took initiative as the [NG] reported that Mister Gaspar "accidently" killed several hostages. We immediately started the magic show before any further audience members were hurt.
It took the three of us a couple of minutes before we made the bomber disappear. The Sabre on the other hand, was packing "wands"(which kept shooting spells at us) that made jousting it very hard.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Recruit Robert West TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Patrol Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Low
The following is my first day on duty report. I really couldn't have wanted more from a first day in service, flying my brand new BDR-337 "Executioner" class fighter. Right then, roll the report.
[color=#FFCC00]Patrol #1
The patrol started off on a rather par level. Having just outfitted my craft, I was heading up to the Colorado System, basing off of the Battleship Mississippi in the Texas system. I came out of the trade lane from Norfolk Shipyards to Baltimore Shipyards, and my local scanner absolutely lit up. Out of nowhere rolled in a massive Bretonian convoy. They seemed to cause no trouble though, and while I can't recall their cargo, all their papers checked out.
Patrol #2
Having later entered the Colorado system (flying a mission out of the Battleship Missouri), I stumbled across a large transport at Pueblo Station. As is standard procedure, I threw a scan down on him. I about tossed my cookies when I checked his cargo hold--3,600 UNITS OF CARDAMINE.
Ye gods.
I fired up my thrusters, did a quick 180 turn and was back on his tail. I almost lost him into the trade lane, but I was able to drop the lane right before he entered it. Rather than surrender nicely, I was made to give chase to this smuggler. Fortunately, I wasn't made to travel too far before he realized the error of his ways, cut his engines, and decided to jettison the contraband. With one quick shot, I was able to destroy all 3,600 units just as fast as they had found me.
This concludes my patrol report for today. I can only hope my future days of service in Liberty's Navy will be as fruitful as this very first one was.
I have a couple of reports to log from today's patrols. The first is a rather disturbing incident in which I was fired upon by a Kusari Naval Force bomber and two trade ships he was escorting. The bomber and one of the transports were in transit through the Texas system when I stopped them to ask the KNF pilot why he was in Liberty. They proceeded to stall me until the second transport arrived. At that time, they opened fired upon me with little warning and proceeded to blow up my ship and leave me to float in my escape pod. Thankfully, an LPI patrol passed through rather soon and took me back to the Missouri.
Later, the same group was caught molesting a Bowex convoy in New York. The convoy wasn't having much of it though and destroyed the KNF bomber as the transports fled.
Enemy Ship Names
Echo_Alpha, KNF Bomber
Foxtrot_Ashley, Trader Transport
Ghost_Joe, Trader Transport
With my ship a total wreck, I was forced to sit around on the Missouri for awhile filling out reams of paperwork, but I was finally able to get into the cockpit of another Guardian. I went back out on patrol and heard about a developing situation in the California system. When I arrived, there were two lane lackers within scanning range of the New York Jumpgate. The first, a Heavy Fighter, was flying circles around the vessels situated there and occassionally knocking out the tradelane while taunting us as the second, a gunboat, stayed mostly out of the way silently.
Eventually, we were forced to engage the heavy fighter and the gunboat moved to assist its brethren against us.
The battle was rough with the HF and Gunboat initially targeting Recruit West and brutally gunning him down. The three of us remaining friendlies with the help of some nearby patrolling defenders focused on the gunboat as the HF and gunboat targetted me. We were able to destroy the gunboat, but I was badly damaged in the process and soon was forced to eject (ship log of both events) due to the Hacker Anderson. Now just down to a two on one, Guardsman Dragon and Mr. Alquist had little trouble destroying the Hacker fighter.
COMM ID: Recruit Mark Lin
SUBJECT: Two Smugglers Escaped
During one of my patrols in my Executioner today, I encountered 2 large transports near Fort Bush. Being a bit suspicious, I requested that they stop for a quick cargo scan, to which the transports did not reply, but instead sped away to Norfolk. I followed as best I could after the 2 transports, and just got into range for a cargo scan, which revealed over 18000 COUNTERFEIT SOFTWARE in between them. I quickly attempted to catchup and engage, but they were able to enter the Bering System before I could get to them.
As such, they have:
- Disobeyed Liberty Navy requests
- Transportation of Contraband (Counterfeit Software)
- Break the trade embargo
Unfortunately, I was not able to collect any pictures of the scene, due to the difficult chase I had to endure.
The two offenders were: X_Transport
Recruit Mark Lin
Current characters:
[LN]-Mark.Lin - Liberty Navy Ensign (Guardian Very Heavy Fighter)
VistaSoldier - Freelancer (Hegemon Mining Transport) (Mining for IMG, Entrance Permit to Gallia)
Shocking - Outcast (Falcata Bomber)
Da.Real.Boss - Independent Pirate (Saishi Civilian Fighter)
COMM ID:Recruit Robert West TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Patrol Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Low
G'evening sirs, ma'ams. The following is my patrol report for my recently ended shift. Definitely worth a quick glancing over, as I continue to find an ever increasing amount of [color=#CC0000]cardamine traffickers flying through Liberty Space.
Patrol #1
As mentioned, I've yet again stumbled across an even larger stash of cardamine today. Smuggler's ID was "Rosa.Bianca". Have yet to see this particular pilot smuggling, but I suppose there's a first for everything. Then again, at the amount she was hauling, I hardly think this was her first rodeo.
I ran into Mrs. Bianca flying a Titanic Heavy Tanker in the Texas system, flying undetected right past the Battleship Mississippi. I immediately gave pursuit, and followed her into the North Dallas Debris field where I was assisted by Recruit Mark Lin. I thought our criminal was going to make a break for Beaumont Base, but this was not to be the case. This would almost have been preferable at that point, since Recruit Lin and myself were unable to inflict significant damage to her shields, much less her hull.
Mrs. Bianca made a break through the Texas anomaly, and we quickly found ourselves in the always wonderful environment of... the Badlands. Making our best efforts to continue the chase, but also raising our guard, we flew through some of the deepest parts of the badlands. Fortunately, we received backup from a nearby Liberty Assault Battlecruiser--the LNS-Douglas, but due to the conditions in the badlands, he was hesitant to engage the smuggler. A naval flyer from the Mississippi also made his way to aid in our cause--a certain LN-Timothy.Rogers showed up right in time... out of nowhere, I checked my 3 o'clock to see a lone source of light in that thick cloud--the implosion of Recruit Lin's fightercraft.
Fortunately, the Douglas being in the area, I'm told Recruit Lin is in pristine condition. His craft, another story.
Nonetheless, the rest of our flight gave pursuit back through Texas, where again our suspect made a break for what appeared to be Beaumont base.
Indeed, this time she was to escape under the protection of the Junkers. If you want my opinion of Junkers, you'll have to buy me a drink sometime. I was, however, happy to end what I considered a largely unsuccessful patrol, with the exception of preventing these destructive substances from reaching highly populated Liberty planets, where demand is no doubt increasing. This concludes Patrol #1.
Patrol #2
For this second entry, I only wish to make brief mention of a Border Worlds Freighter that we encountered near the Academy in New York. The pilot, who referred to himself continuously as "turkey_dinner_mk3_toast" (...I don't know, I'm stumped too), was blabbering on about "ncps" or something of the like. He then quite literally took to flying in nonsensical circles on the edge of the badlands. I could already tell this was going to be an eventful encounter.
The encounter, however, turned out to be less than eventful, as we ran the Outcast out through the Texas jump hole, and once again found ourselves pursuing a criminal through the North Texas Debris Field.
I called the flight off as the sight of the Pequena and Grande Negras grew larger and larger in my cockpit. Terrifying thought. If the outcast wanted to fly there, so be it.. I wasn't about to go near them.
Right then, that about sums it up, and just in time. Shifts up, time to catch some shuteye. West, out.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Sub-lieutenant Aleesha Cooper DIVISION:36th Soaring Ducks SUBJECT:Action report
Aleesha Cooper reporting. The last patrols around core space encountered the standart package of troubles. In California another group of wannabe pirates was intercepted, this one included a Spatial and a Broadsword that wanted to harass the passersby in area F-4. Me and Lieutenant Mason Ralusch took care of them. The Spatial it's_showtime was destroyed, the Broadsword qest333 lost control and drifted into the asteroid field.
Later in New York at Colorado jump gate, area D-2 I ran into a Kusari Navy bomber Echo_Jack that tried to escape without a word, and then was intercepted by me in Colorado, trying to take a lane to Pueblo. I had to take him down. At that time Lieutenant Ralusch was inspecting a couple of suspicious vessels at Fort Bush - nothing worth mentioned happened there.
After that we entered Texas and then Bering - moved to Freeport 2 so far to look for suspicious activity - and after locating nothing returned to planet Houston, where the Pirate Transport N.E.Z.A.M.E.N.I.M.Y._ denied to answer any questions, what wasn't a very good idea since it was trying to cross the border. The captain maintained radio silence, so we made a warning shot and then took his shields and armor down, but he turned around and somehow hacked the docking control of space docks, hiding behind the other ships stationed at the fixture. Though, in few minutes it undocked and attempted to run, but the lane malfunction played a bad joke with him and his cargo bay blown up with a firework of smouldering crates. I'm uploading the log here and the actual recordings are attached in the file 4.
I still consider this case worth resolving and his docking rights being revoked even in standart situations. The attachment follows:
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Sub-lieutenant Aleesha Cooper DIVISION:36th Soaring Ducks SUBJECT:Action report
Aleesha Cooper reporting. This day had several situation worth exceptional attention. The first one was the Rogue Gunboat R.Giles intercepted by me and Commader Alexis Hunter in Texas, area E-3. We started to pursuit, but Commander Hunter was intercepted by Freelancer and had to fight him. We managed to get the gunboat thanks to other Liberty Navy and National Guard units in the next minutes, but Freelancer ran and, after hacking Houston Docking Ring control, performed a dock.
The next situation took place in New York at Norfolk Shipyard, area F-5, where two Orbital Spa and Cruise transports - OSC|Dr_Winchester and Vorbit_Transport with the loads of Niobium (which my malfunctioning scanned identified as Ore) were stopped and, after a request of shipping orders, claimed that they are moving to Freeport 2 in Bering system. After interrogation they attempted to escape and, due to my mistake, one of them managed to do that. Another one was pur under arrest until Admiral Hale arrived and I was deployed to bomber wing to repel the Order attack on our ships in Alaska system.
During the fight, a Zoner "Aquilon" was located in Alaska, but, instead of answering the questions, the captain attempted to activate Cloaking Device that malfunctioned and dryed all the ship's energy. The battleship was destroyed.
I request a special attention to the Freelancer protecting Rogue Gunboat and hacking Houston docking control - here total block of his docking rights on all Liberty facilities will cone handy, as well as request a permission to direct an official complaint to Orbital Spa and Cruise concerning the actions of their employes.