Last Name - Tindra First Names - Nelle Birth Place - Planet Erie Age - 34
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
At the moment I'm an independant Trader. Since 3 years im in this business trading into Rheinland, Bretonia and Liberty.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Looking for a prestigious trading company the Interspace just got my attention.
I'm allways on time and I ever dreamed of becoming one with Interspace
Biography -
Nelle Tindra was born on Planet Erie Pennsylvania. Her Father worked for the BMM and her Mother died after she was born. At the age of 18 she started to work for the BMM like her Father. Mined Gold ore until she turned 30. War came to Bretonia, her Father died in a Kusari attack. After nothing hold her back in Dublin she went back to her home system in Liberty. With the ammount of money she earned due her wonderfule years as a BMM Miner, she bought herself a Transport ship and started with the age of 31 all over with trading goods into Rheinland, Bretonia and Liberty. As a women she knows how to talk to pirates and criminals, she can defend herself and helps others if needed.
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship?
[♠] Yes
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
Ms.Nelle after reviewing your application, it is my pleasure to accept your application for Interspace Commerce.
You may now display IC| and will be contacted on a secure channel with all the information you need to know.
Welcome to Interspace Commerce.
Last Name - Shepard First Names - Nick Birth Place - Planet New London, New London system Age - 29
Employment History and Previous Occupations -
Independent trading, Freelance hipping
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
It will open a new opportunities for me. And, of course, bigger profit.
Biography -
I was born on New London in a family of independent trader and real estate agent. My father always flies somewhere, trying to make money. Mother always was on work too, travelling all around the planet. So I spend my childhood with grandma. Sometimes father took me with him, and he gave me some kind of fly lessons. When I was 10 years old, I could easily manage with Firefly-class ship. When my education in school was over, I decided to follow my father's steps and became an independent trader. I`ve flown all around Sirius, saw many things, made some good deals. But I tired of flying alone. It`s always boring. And, of course, I want to have a ship with biggest cargo to make my dad proud.
So, I decided to join Interspace Commerce, the biggest trading and shipping corporation in whole Sirius.
Do you require starting funds?
[[color=#33CCFF]♠] Yes
Do you already have an IC ship
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
Last Name - Kressh First Names - Ludo Birth Place - Freital Base, Omega-11 Age - 25
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
I've worked as an independent trader for 5 years.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Because I want to make Big Business with Big Corporation.
Biography -
I was born on Freital Base, so ethic I'm Red Hessian, but in difference with my brothers and sisters, who want to make Rheinland Revolution, I always want to make money. When I was 18, I fly to Newark Station to enlist freighter pilot courses. Exams were passed and I my dream had come to reality-I became a trader. My money was fast because of good relationships with my fatherland: I usually buy mined uncut diamonds in Omega-11 from Red Hessian or IMG miners, fly to Newark station to sell them and coming back with nessesary goods.(However I know, that it breaks embargo between Rheinland and Liberty, but rules says "Don't get caught") I remember, who taught me to drive a spaceship and my choise is to be an employee of Interspace Commercial.
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[♠] Yes
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
Eh, Mister Kressh, you maybe do not know this, but we in IC do not tolerate breaking the embargo between Liberty and Rheinland.
I am sorry to tell that, but your application is denied.
John Gouzen - Mandalorian Alor'ad
Alehandro Meyez - Lieutenant Commander of Ghosts of Razgriz
Last Name - Estin First Names - Rumen Birth Place - Planet Erie Age - 28
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
Independent trading
Biography -
I was born on Planet Erie but i guess i have to say i was raised aboard a trading ship. you see my father was an independent trader, he inherited his business and small fleet of 3 ships from his father and the idea was, i would inherit the same from him.. unfortunately for my father, the business was already in a heap of debt and failing fast but i loved nothing more than learning from him a passion for piloting that will never die. by the time i turned 24 there was only 1 ship left, i took over from my father after an accident meant he could no longer get about like he once did. Now, after 4 years of hauling alone i find myself near to being grounded completely as what with increased pirate activity across my fathers proven routes costing dear, increased costs for ship maintenance and the fact that i just cant keep up with demand with my current cargo capabilities, i find i can no longer sustain myself. I come to I.C with my broad knowledge of flying, a passion for trading and a need to earn money. i don't want to get rich, i just want to be able to carry on doing what my family has done for generations
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Last Name - Dehey First Names - Mark Birth Place - Planet Manhattan, NY Age - 26
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] (//If Any) -
Independent Trader
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Money is tight and I'm looking for work
Biography (//Write a detailed history about your character) -
Mark was born and raised on Planet Manhattan. His father was a trader and loved to go on trading routes with him. By 18 he was flying and maintaining his fathers' Titanic class civilian trade vessel. His father was also an independent trader who would usually bring his son with him on trips throughout Sirius with his good friends. Mark would go trading with his fathers friends occationally to learn some routes that would be profitable. After his father was unable to work because of a accident with a machine that would make it difficult for him to get around, Mark would take his place at the age of 23 to provide for his family.
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Dehey Mark after reviewing your application, we have decided to accept you into Interspace Commerce.
You may now display IC| and will be contacted on a secure channel with all the information you need to know.
Welcome to Interspace Commerce.
Last Name - Ares First Names - Zorrack Birth Place - Pittsburgh Age - 26
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] (//If Any) -
Freelance Trader
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I feel my talents would be better suited in a company like Interspace Commerce. I can meet deadlines and get high priority items to they're destinations fast.
Biography (//Write a detailed history about your character) -
Zorrack was born on Planet Pittsburgh but grew up on Planet Manhattan. His mother passed away when he was young, his father who was a trader raised him on his own. When Zorrack was 15 his father was caught up in some cross fire with the Liberty Navy and some some Hostiles, his ship was destroyed and he did not make it.
This mean't Zorrack had to support himself, he enrolled in the Liberty pilot school and graduated with flying colours. He then purchased a Rhino freighter and started transporting small loads around Liberty and Bretonia.
Zorrack currently pilots a Camara ship but is saving up to upgrade to an Albatross
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No