I'm taking the opportunity to post a trade report sent by Viriato about this battle:
Quote:*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*
Greetings again Mr Moebus
First i would like to confirm the payments and thank you.
Also i would like to report a delivery, that i can't give the pick up confirmation on Freistadt on Omega 7, because a malfuction (// i really need to buy a new keyboard) but i have the delivery
Cargo 15 Copper FP15
Sadly i have to say that we will stop more deliveries. Before going to Omega 7, captain Vasco and the crew of the Nau, was on the ship when receive a call from here, they toke sometime and didn't notice the battle warning near by FP15, so when they undocked they wee really very close to the fire of about 4 Jinkusus and a BH destroyer against some Corsairs. When they pass to Theta they notice heavy combats between Corsairs, Outcast , Reapers and even MM. Even so they made the delivery, but i can't allow any more risks. For some days we notice some heating on Theta and mainly Delta. Delta is a forbidden system for any of my ships and now Theta is becoming the same thing. So until furhter status changes i have to say that we are going to stop delivering. We brought you many ... probably Vasco and his crew managed to get more materials on a BTW than any other trader or organization. So is time to stop ... at least until things cood down a bit.
Best regards
It is sad that this conflict is threatening our trade partners. However, it is no big deal since we have received almost all the required commodities. I will supervise the last shipments with the Omicroners fleet.