Page leant back, looking pensive for a moment. After some consideration, he continued the negotiation...
"But what would I have to put up against such a wondrous invention as your tea dispenser? I assume it'd be more than a few cups of tea from here", he said.
"How about... a month's worth of cupcakes?" offered White.
"A month's worth?! Bloody hell, that'd be half my wages knowing you! How about we add a week of my tea on top of your dispenser?"
"Ok, it's a deal."
Shaking hands to mark the bet, the two officers bid goodbye to Rowser as he heads off home, taking the last cupcake with him.
"This bet should be easy, Lena should still be around."
"I'm sure she hasn't changed her patrols out of Bretonia like the last one, Jayne. No need to worry", Page said with a grin. "Now let's get all this paid for and head off, I need a good sleep after all this fighting today. To be honest, I'm surprised your tea dispenser is still working after all the hull repairs on that poor Hussar of yours."
"Don't forget Tom", said White while tapping his nose, "all you need to fix anything is a whole load of duct tape."
The two of them said their farewells to Christy, White heading off to New Scotland Yard to retrieve his patched-up Hussar; Page flying back home to Cambridge.