' Wrote:If you want to restrict the caps - well give them to official factions only.
No! Just stay out of rock fields. That is just common sense.
' Wrote:O RLY?
And why they happen to be only in systems where large capital battles in Omicrons are supposed to be fought? Why they are not in Texas or in Leeds near all gates and holes where capital ships are supposed to be? All of the asteroid bells are faaaar away from any of the house capital ship conflict/impact zones.
That is because the Large houses/Capitals are not trying to hide on edges of Sirius. Also lots of systems in House space has alot of rocks. Ever seen the Badlands? Also those systems were not "meant" to be fought in. Caps are "meant" to defend home worlds. Where I might add there are no rocks.
' Wrote:Guess it was already mentioned, that while the 4.85 hiboxes were, basically, the bubbles around capital ships, the new oneSo it's alright.
You guys really should have been around in 4.83, and 4.84 where anything, and everything stopped caps. Also we had no /stuck command. Kids these days. Back when i flew caps, we had to spend hours in rock fields, and get out and push. We did not even have space suits. We just held our breath.:lol: