- Vanilla zoners exist about as much as Vanilla [insert faction here] - there are very few factions that remained untouched - and that mainly cause no one touches them.... at all.
- Like any other faction that has taken "something" from vanilla and build on what was chosen - the ideas and concepts differ from one another. - some of them emphasis the trading, others build on the seclusion, others again on the core of anarchy and rejection of rigit house structures.
- zoners allow a LOT more freedom than for example: Bundschuh .... hence their roleplay also differs greatly.
- additionally, zoners are practicly EVERYWHERE - so its not only zoners having an idea about their roleplay - but its also people who do not roleplay zoners who have very strict ideas. - in terms of militaristic factions - and because freelancer is a competitive pvp game .... its a survival of the fittest ( - while fittest does not describe the one that wins the PVP, but the one that can brag about winning the PVP the best )
- multilateral roleplay is a myth on disco. - on a low key scale it can happen and does happen... but on serious and far reaching incidents..... its usually unilateral roleplay.
- each person reacts different to unilateral roleplay - in multilateral roleplay - each side is an actor... in unilateral roleplay one side is an actor, the other one RE-acts ... that means we get a factor that is unpredictable and somewhat detrimental.
why is it detrimental? - cause when people are forced to act a way they do not like to act - they become defensive ( seen with many a factions ) - defensive people tend NOT to give in - even against better judgement.
such a thing does not happen in multilateral roleplay - however ... it requires transparency, flexibility, respectful social behaviour and a general social competence anyway - which is hard to come by in RL... and even harder here. ( due to ppl being anonymous )
directly about the proposal:
- the proposal itself is - as i mentioned in skype before .... OK
- the reasons to apply such a proposal appear to me ( only to me - very subjective pov ) like admitting that we went waaay too far from the disco concept of zoners - which i do not agree with.
- different proposals were made and rejected in the past ... like:
- revert the Zoner ID to its Vanilla state ( fighters, freighters ) - and give them the governing right over the VANILLA freeports along with their history and political importance.
- create NEW IDs for those zoner factions that cannot RP with the ORIGINAL ID - allowing the use of other ships - and giving them the governing right over their respected NON-Vanilla freeports.
- those new factions will and MUST come with a new set of diplomacies, dependencies, obligations and rights.
- the ORIGINAL zoners can then roleplay a REAL neutrality ( they pose no threat at all anymore to anyone ) - but all the other factions are FORCED to abide to the zoners neutrality ( no threats, nothing at all )
the above concept was proposed some time ago. - mostly rejected, cause it would introduce major military powers in areas that "only" had zoners in there. - the balance of powers would tip.
that argument "might" occur with the OPs proposal, too - due to more unique diplomacies.