Trafford Tudor and Pete Stacker, your names are now placed on the Cadet's board. You can re-name your ships, to fit the requirments, from now on. Welcome to the academy and Good luck.
Send me a private note, that contains boths your "S.K.Y.P.3" and cadet names.
I. The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow access to Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels entering Omega-3 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
[1] The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Feldwebel or above.
[2] The entering vessels must be part of the Rheinland “Task Force” fleet, permitted by the Bretonian Government.
[3] The Rheinland “Task Force” will be limited to the following ship classes: 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers, 2 Gunboats, 25 fighters and 20 bombers.
[4] The Rheinland “Task Force” will set a defensive perimeter in sector F-7, Rugen Station.
[5] The entering vessels will not continue into Bretonian core territory without Armed Forces High Command or Bretonian Government authorization.
II. The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Rheinland Federal Republic. The following restrictions apply:
[1] The Rheinland Military will not cause damage to any Bretonian law-abiding organizations.
[2] The Rheinland Military will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
[3] The Rheinland Military can request assistance from Bretonian forces against the mentioned above criminal organizations.
III. The Rheinland “Task Force” will respect all the laws of House Bretonia. IV. In case of joint operation, the highest ranked Bretonian officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-3.
B) Omega-7
I. The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow access to Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels entering Omega-7 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
[1] The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Lieutenant Commander or above.
[2] The entering vessels must be part of the Bretonian “Auxiliary” patrol, permitted by the Rheinland Government.
[3] The Bretonian “Auxiliary” will be limited to the following ship classes: 1 Destroyer, 2 Gunboats, 15 fighters and 10 bombers.
[4] The Bretonian “Auxiliary” will only patrol the system and will not set a staging area.
[5] The entering vessels will not continue into Rheinland core territory without Rheinland Military High Command or Rheinland Government authorization.
II. The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Kingdom of Bretonia. The following restrictions apply:
[1] The Bretonia Armed Forces will not cause damage to any Rheinland law-abiding organizations.
[2] The Bretonia Armed Forces will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
[3] The Bretonian Armed Forces can request assistance from Rheinland forces against the mentioned above criminal organizations.
III. The Bretonian “Auxiliary” patrol will respect all the laws of House Rheinland. IV. In case of joint operation, the highest ranked Rheinland officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-7.
C) Trade Agreement
I. The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow unlimited access to its market to: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC), Krüger Mineralien (Kruger) and Waste Disposal company (ALG). These companies will not have to prepare any licenses as long as this Alliance is active.
II. The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow unlimited access to its market to: Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM), Borderworld Exports (Bowex), Gateway Shipping (Gateway). These companies will not have to prepare any licenses as long as this Alliance is active.
D) Limits
I. The Federal Republic of Rheinland and the Kingdom of Bretonia both reserve the right to withdraw their signature from the treaty if one of the aforementioned parties fails to fulfill, or breaks the criteria listed above.