To: Ageira Technologies, ASF
From: Shunkaha Wanagi, Captain of "Ageira|Medicine Bow" Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train
Well first off you can tell from the origination of this communique that the ship is not the mammoth. I have managed to purchase this new Heron at a reasonable price. I have decided to not add any of the purchase price onto the company but to put this ships title into my name as the main deed holder, but Ageira Technologies Inc is still the minor ships holder for the foreseeable future.
I have added this weeks report to this communication and also the bank validation that the profits for the company were deposited into the corporation account holding. Also due to the destruction of the mamoth I had to pay the insurance fee for the replacement. I have included that receipt of deposit also. And since I have not charged the 50% purchase price of the new trade ship onto the company I hereby ask the percentage of the profits to be reduced to 10% so that the savings may be built up for the final ships purchase of the Titanic that can be bought from Planet Holstein of the Rheinland.
Please think this over and respond to this report so that I can begin the difference in the profits. Once the Titanic is purchased and put into trade I will then begin to bank the 20% again.
Thank you, Shunkaha Wanagi, Captain of "Ageira|Medicine Bow"
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