' Wrote:I agree on your perception: There is absolutly no point to argue our perception. Concerning your perception that we might believe to be always right I disagree.
I might admit that you probably do not have a chance for a different perception but even so you are crossing the border from facts to speculations. An important fact is that we stopped to care for your opinions after we had to see that you have were cowardly abandoning your own ideas for the questionable benefit of not being ganked.
I do feel obligated to point out the hypocrisy inherent in those statements following each other.
As for cowardly abandoning ideas, somehow, when they first thought of the ZA, they didn't think a group of brazen idiots would pick a fight with a major military power.
' Wrote:So, after having supported your ideas for a long while you thought it would be a good idea to screw us, which is OKAY, in fact completely okay, but you should not believe that you have earned the sufficient respect to be considered serious about Zoner RP. The result is that we are merely ignoring OSI's opinion in matters of Zoner RP, which in return you might finally recognize as the reason why you are perceiving us wrongly, as those who believe they would always be right. We know we are not, but it would be insanely pointless to try convincing especially you.
You screwed them over when your aggressive overbearing attempt at diplomacy got you into hot water.
Also, again, the inherent hypocrisy in these statements, really, continues to amaze me.
' Wrote:The OSI RP is dominated by the attempt to satisfy the demands and/or needs of the Corsair NPC Faction, as we have seen clear indicators for this once more here in this thread, and it is actually nothing but a trader RP focused on Freeport access, so why are you still trying to convince everybody to play the broad scope of Zoner RP possibilities?
Lol. All i have to say. Lololololololol. The fact that they don't want to follow you off a cliff doesn't mean they are "abandoning" you.
And really, what do you think most Zoners do? Trade, that's what. That's what most of your people do as well. Trade Trade Trade.
' Wrote:Also, please mind that none of our opinions here has to be right per se, neither ours, nor yours, but even then there is a solution by falling back to vanilla. Would you fail again by abandoning "Zoner brethren"? I bet you would because you are not ready to accept the Freeport NPC statements from vanilla, so if you do not like the mud we have collected from the remainders you have left just stop pretending you would care for the Zoner NPC Faction more than for the Corsair NPC Faction.
Seems to me you don't accept the Freeport NPC statements from your own Freeport. Remember that one where the Bartender is scared spitless of the Corsairs after just mentioning the location of their homeworld?
Follow that one before you lecture others.
' Wrote:Back on topic, if you want to split the Zoner ID you would just damage the Zoner RP compared to vanilla further. But the Omicroners agree that you should have your own ID, even more if you are awsome in trades and making profits. According to the feedback of Blodo I would suggest you are taking the Core Worlds "Zoner" ID, but I would also expect it to be rephacked similarily to a House Corporation. In fact the OSI is being played like one, which would have a certain und perhaps undesirable impact on the Zoner RP as a whole: The House Zoners are moving back into the safety of the colonies.
The only thing I do not like about this solution is that the whole of the Zoners would be split up into four Zoner IDs because it is destroying the initial idea of a NPC faction being in between everywhere. Especially the lack of adaption is a very important setting of the Zoner RP. Taking away this RP motive is preverting the whole NPC Faction.
From what i see, the only reason such a split is wanted is your ridiculous and insipid attempts to hijack Zoner RP and diplomacy, make enemies and be a House unto yourself, riding roughshod over the other Zoner factions and ....ignoring their RP? That's an all new low, for all of Disco. I mean, Bretonia ignores it's H-fuel situation, Kusari it's need for base metals.....but .....yeah.
Previous to this thread, i thought my opinion of you and your faction couldn't possibly drop any lower.
I was wrong.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|