+++Incoming Transmition+++
+++Comm: ID BAF|Ens.K.Williams
+++Location: Battelship Norfolk Cambridge+++
Dear Mr. Goodman
I'm going to have to make this brief as I am due on partol soon.
I have sympathies with you I really do. I hate war, I not a natural Soldier, I was born on Leeds and realise the horrendous effects war can have. So please understand what I am about to say, as I am no warmonger.
How can the war be ended? Agression leads to agression. This has esculated beyond trade disputes and the concerns of a few independents. People in Bretonia genuinly beleive that (and Rhineland citizens I am sure do as well) that this is a war of survival. That both sides want to destroy the other. Surrender to Rhineland may be the only way to bring peace, and under those circumstances the Kanzler could make excessive demands, crippling the economy and forcing us to reduce are armed forces or to hand over sovreign territory containing Bretonian Subjects.
Neither side wants to stop fighting because, they feel they are under a death sentance if they do....and they may be right. Who ever wins who knows what concessions might be demanded. I desperatly want to beleive peace can be achived...but I can't. Your intentions are admirable, but that is not how the Universe works. Simply whishing the fear to end on both sides won't deliver anything. A peace has to be fair and equal on both sides, with both Goverments realising the other is jsut as scared of being wiped out as they are.
This would be the only way to get peace but I ahve yet to here of any way in which this could be done.