Katz extinguished his cigarette, as he took an easy stance.
"The only thing capitalistic about profit, comrade, is that there are those who use it to exploit others." He reached for his cup again. "No the Coalition has nothing against the acquisition of wealth, in fact that is encouraged. It was under Lenin, under Stalin, even in Pre-97 China. What is illegal is that those that seek to acquire wealth often exploit others in the pursuit of it."
He tilted his head to the side as he drank, "When the Phantoms destroyed JiangXi, the first people on the scene to help were the IND and the TAZ. The IND brought food, supplies, medicine, out of their own pockets. They didn't ask, nor have they asked since, for any kind of payment for this. Only to help."
"Think on this well. If your family were starving, and dying... and a man came to offer you what you needed, out of his own pocket, for nothing other than his will to help... is that not the very core of what it means to be a communist?" Katz smiled again. "This is why I deal with Otis Jethro and Jonathan Winchester, not because they bought us, or bribed us... but because they helped us back onto our feet when we were knocked down. And they have stood in our corner ever since."
He turned back to the applicant.
"Tell me of the Outcast-Corsair war, and why it dooms both of the Hispania survivor groups."