I'm pretty sure everyone who's anyone and their mother within the Outcast community knows about this and are working on it.. And yes the problems stated within this thread are indeed, problems. But they are issues that can be fixed or are actually already in the process of being fixed. I think I'll address some of these 'issues' below:
1. Outcast player base depletion - This is simply because we're not being raided as much as before. In fact, I don't think we are at all. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, it just means we need to start doing the raiding like we used to.
2. Lack of new outcast stuff - A dev has actually told us that once there is more Outcast activity, rp, and organization that he will make new stuff for us. I have been keeping him in the loop of our inner-workings and so far so good.
3. Outcast players with no lore knowledge/rp - It has always been this way. There will always be those that see the outcasts as the big bad boogeyman and want to be that big bad boogeyman. But that's all the lolwuts know, is that somehow we're the big bad guys and they get a free pass to just shoot stuff. The thing is, though, that it has ALWAYS been this way and there is no sudden epic downfall of RP.
4. Leadership - We actually do have this. It just hasn't been formally announced so there's only so much that can happen with this currently.
5. No stuff to do - There is stuff to do. Just 'cause you will need a gunboat, trans, fighter, or bomber doesn't mean you can't do it.