[font=Impact]- Incomming New transmission-
- Subject: Non combat work-
- Sender: Adam Vagner-
Guten tag.
I had small time for last few weeks, had many things to do. Also, I get on with some utility work, like cargo transportation, mining and stuff like this. So there is small report about what have I done.
I used cargo runs mostly for Diamant needs, now I can try to make additional runs to Liberty space with diamonds, and free some people, who had bad luck to be captured. I think, that get freedom from us, much better than being enslaved by Outcasts, so I'm poiting this job in my list "what to do"
Also, I worked on our large mining ships. For few seconds, I feld into my memories, but, it was short. Its very well, that we running all our craft in briliant conditions and nobody suffering while working there.
So there are couple of pictures from my work.
Also, not very long ago, in Omega 11 system, I meet stranger. He had canibal made ship and freelancer's papers. He moved to our base and have send docking signal on our freeqyency, and base's system allowed him to land. I managed to intencept docking signal. I send disturbing signal, but to late. Pilot's name : Conan_the_babarian. [Docking request]