Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr D Moreland eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr D Moreland, Planet Cambridge
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Mr Moreland
It is my pleasure to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of Borderworlds Exports, This offer is contingent upon your passing our mandatory drug screen, our receipt of your educational achievements, and your Induction Examination. Please view the links enclosed as this will be the terms and conditions of your work
Your Supervisor for induction is: Jeffery Dunham
Your Start Date: Upon Receipt of your examination
Your employment with Borderworlds Exports is at-will and either party can terminate the relationship at any time with or without cause and with or without notice.
You acknowledge that this offer transmission, alone represents the entire agreement between you and Bowex and that no verbal or written agreements, promises or representations that are not specifically stated in this offer, are or will be binding upon Bowex.