Alicia let out a quiet laugh as she saw the young girl run through the frozen hallway and back up the ramp. She wandered over to the Premier.
All the forms are now updated for you Comrade, who do I give them to?
There was a silent nod as Alvin directed his head at a couple of the applicants.
And the one's not getting the forms?
Again, a silent motion and two warbots stood forward and went past her.
I'll bring you another pot of coffee comrade.
As she walked out of the room, gunfire erupted. Alicia was unfazed as a man screamed and the sounds of bullets smashing into flesh and bone cut the air.
Benjamin, Kasheyev - If you could fill these in for me.
Alek was riddled full of holes from the warbots. Alicia frowned, there was blood everywhere. On the walls, on the two recruits she had just handed forms to, on her laptop! She was really angry at that. The little frozen office did look rather different now. It appears that the warbots would require an upgrade to their targetting computers she mused. Somehow they had managed to shoot up her desk as well. To make sure the man was dead - the warbots took the corpse outside and doused it with H-Fuel. Setting it alight, the ashes rose into the frozen sky above. One of the warbots saw a flicker from the corpse and instantly fired another magazine into the burning pyre, adding to the flames.