He sat down trying to ignore the screams and gun fire he had just heard. There was no point in worrying about what happened at this point, either he died right here in this room or he died fighting for the Coalition at some point.
"Alpha." He said slowly pulling out his tobacco pouch and rolling a cigarette.
"Though señor to be honest, I haven't been there in some time. And I doubt there would be a welcoming party if I were to return. My father is the head of one of the largest groups that produces and ships Cardamine out to the rest of sirius. He wasn't to happy when I refu-" He stopped.
He realizing that he hadn't been asked about his history. He hadn't been asked about his family. He had simply been asked where he was from and had answered that question and was only rambling at this point and not doing him any good.
"Sorry señor, I did not mean to ramble." He said before licking the gummed edge of his cigarette. "Is it okay if I smoke in here?"
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.