' Wrote:..............incoming transmition........
..............comm ID...pending.....
..............comm ID Rock Lord ThunderHawk.....
<message begins>
this is ThunderHawk Rock Lord of the UKMG i would like to offer asistance and asylem for the remnents of the BSG at Java Station with we curantly oparate out of im sorry this offer did not come sooner but iv been out of the loop recantly as the UKMG has lost contact with sevral pilots and were trying to locate them.
our diplomatic relations with the =CR= have yet to be decided but the BSG are welocme abored our flag ship the BattelStar R.M.S EvilScotsman and all drinks at the Java Bar are on my Tab i await to hear your response.
<message ends>
.......incoming transmission:
Comm ID: =BSG=BlindBat
from: field commander of the BG-66 viper/raptor wing
to: UKMG-ThunderHawk
Remnants of the BG-66 are grateful for your offered assistance. With your permission, we'll be transferring our Vipers Mk I recon squadron to Java. It will serve as a forward observation point for scouting out Tau-23/37 for possible Outcast/pirate activity. Due to tactical and logistical reasons, for now, our raptor squadron and interceptor Mk II squadron will remain aboard IMG battleship Hood.
Looking forward on cooperating with the UKMG
Lt. BlindBat
F.C. Warhammer's BG-66
.......end transmission.
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