As already mentioned, Order tech is above High Tech definitions. I am not sure how exactly the logistics of the Order is working, but they have to be good, in addition to that know about how to develope great technologies. Nephthys was one of them, as well as the Bastet with it six class 10 guns. Though, not the same, but there is no other ship on Disco I know that got a possibility to mount so many High Tech guns like that. It is indeed true, that in reality we are not really under attack by nomads ingame. But yeh...inRP it has to be used. Using it's stats for a non-Order vessels seems...odd for me, since I believe the Order is at the top of High Tech weapons....which would explain why they are so powerful.
Just...everything because of the lore. I don't complain. I am fine with it. And if you compare the amount of good PvPers in Liberty (also the amount of ships there) with the PvPers in Order space...the topic explains itself I think.