Hey there. Er. If you're reading this, I guess someone flagged you somewhere or other. Or you did. Either or, same thing. Anyyyyyway, I've got a job for you, if you're interested.
Wow. That made me sound... weird. Let me try again.
I'm Sarah, Sarah McFarlen if you care about last names. Mostly Harmless, if you care about ship names. 'Hey you' if you don't care about either. I'm collecting.. Is that the right word? No, not so much. Gathering. Gathering sounds good. Let's go with gathering. I'm gathering information on the Wars (Or War. Depends on who you talk to.).
Thing is, I'm kinda at a dead end. Ha-de-ha.
There don't seem to be that many people around that actually had anything to do with the war. Personally, I mean. Wow. That was incredibly vague, wasn't it?
I guess.. What I'm asking for. If there's anyone out there that fought in the Nomad War, on any side, and's still breathing (Please don't reply to this transmission if you're not. That would be really creepy.) and could help out. Well, that'd be great.
Oh, and it'd help if you can still fly. Not that I'm saying you'd be old. I-.. I'm just going to go now.