Speaking of heels, seems you liked mine enough to copycat them, heh? I'm talking about the Odin, of course. He smirked vaguely and took a deep gulp of his glass, shortly after feeling the heat down his throat -courtesy of Jack Daniel's-. Anyway. I don't wanna end up kissing the floor yet, since I got some stuff you could find bit interesting. He took a small datapad from the inside pocket of his coat laying next to him and placed it in the middle of the table.
I've seen the Congress going a bit mad at you, mad enough to want all of you in a body bag. Buuut, you remember that little brawl we had weeks ago against that other group in Magellan? Steelworkers was the name of these Junkers? Well, a couple of days ago I stumbled upon two of their trains in the Sigmas. Aye, I'm also claiming for that board, so I chased them through four damn systems 'till I got them with the help of another lass. He tapped the datapad, immediately showing this and this.