Ah yes, my good Doctor Piliantolski....
It is a pleasure to meet you, even IF your untimely transmission DID interrupt some very delicate experiments. *sneers*
Ah well, I can always capture another dozen Gallic pilots.
Don't suppose you have any use for a heap of slightly damaged, non-working humans, eh?
Just thought I'd check. *smiles*
So. *twitch*
What can I do to you, for you, or at you, good sir?
My laboratory, my time, and my nurses are at your disposal. *twitch*
My Claymore Gunship is stationed at Skye on Newcastle, and can be diverted from its specimen collection routine to address your (soon OUR?) needs.
Do feel free to ring me up, Nurse Hatchett will see that your call comes straight through to me. Provided she's not overly busy with my regular 'treatments'... *winks*
Building a Utopian Playground - One Smile at a Time