Meier looked at the Commissar , he knew this question would be asked, and he knew the answer too. He took a slight breath before he spoke.
I had been fighting along side my Comrades to the best of my abilities. I've witnessed things that noone wants to witness, and they have molded me. I have also fought along Fighter Corps pilots, and they have inspired me and my feelings of my Duty.
He sighed only very briefly and quietly before resuming.
I've given this decision to come here alot of though, talked to my Father, my Comrades about my motives. Our fight in Rheinland is a long and hard fight, and i have always supported that with my fullest ability. I have come to realize ,that i want to commit myself for the bigger cause, all across Sirius, and join the Coalition, fight for the big goal in all of Sirius.
Erik's gaze went back to the Commissar , waiting for his reply.