I could always shoot your rookies whenever I see them loitering, you know, testing them and prove they aren't sissies at all... He sighed. Ye, I admit I'm utterly bored in these days. He gulped the refilled glass while following with the corner of his eye every move Cora did. Jaw-dropping, sure.
And... surprise surprise! He pushed the datapad from the middle of the table towards Kall and then turned to Jaina. I could swear I saw your ship being wrecked by a baffie today. Ach, ach... That couldn't happen to Jaina, ever! He drew an innocent smile, yet the sarcastic tone was obvious. Anyway, as much as you would want Steve being there with you to save your flat butt everytime you go hunting, nah, you won't see Pompous Sapphire around. And please, don't even compare me with those rookies, I didn't insult you yet! Gheh.