Suddenly, the sound of a body falling down to the floor was heard in the middle of the noise.
Even the music stopped and everyone's eyes turned to the slumped body of the new guy at the bar counter.
Suddenly his head props up, and the white of the eyes is seen.
Drooling from the mouth, he looked up to the ceiling like he was watching the gods staring down on him.
O'Reilly just said with a smirk in his face.
"Nae problem here, t'is just a Dead Man Walkin'."
Everyone shrugged and resumed whatever they were doing.
Kalliste muttered between her teeth and looked at Jayna and Steve bickering once again.
Somethings never changes, it seems.
"Alright, alright, kids. Settle down, before i make you settle down in the clinic.
If you two are bored, go shoot somethin'. If not, the booze is on the house, as usual."
She sighed, grabbed a glass and gulped it. With a quick movement, she propped herself up from the booth, and grabbed Steve's data-pad to transfer the images.
"I'll be going. Got business to attend to. And please. Get a room."
Kalliste laughed as she walked away from the booth and both pilots restarted their bickering once again.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:12:00] Traxit: this is smut stop