Some old man, that looks more like an old engineer comes into the bar. It's late. Bar's nearly empty. Except the dead man and few women that don't even pay attention to him. -Wine please, just wine.
[color=#333333]-Hard day at work engineer? -Miner miss, Ahm an ex-miner. Now give me mah wine, please -Well alright, miiiiiiner.
She pours a glass of wine....then another...and another...aaaannnddd anooother... -Don't you think you had enough old man? -Miiiiner madam, Miiiiiner. Now gimme that bottle, a quiet room and you can keep the change!
Old miner puts a shiny 100'000 credit card on the table, grabs the wine, room KeyCard and heads towards his rented room, humbling some old melody.
-With that he could be drunk a whole week in here. She mumbles few words and puts card in her pocket.
Bar remained as it was before. No one seemed to have even noticed an old man. Probably they thought it's just a random trespassing Deep Space Engineerings worker.
Before drinking last bottle, miner managed to send a message to Reaver's recruitment office's spambox, informing that he hasn't met Silver yet. Drank two thirds of wine bottle, fell into the bed and began to snore.
Miner comes into the bar. Waitress looks at him with an odd smile. -Do Ah know Yah? -More wine Mr. Miiiiner? -Wine...miiiiner...nameless waitress...
Waitress looks into him barely stopping herself from laughing.
Miner shakes his head and speaks: -Water please...Just water...