The corner of the bar is mostly empty, a few drinkers here and there, that dead person, and the women. It was all nice but the dead man smelled like stale piss.
And he snored.
The dead man wasn't really dead, though passing out makes you seem as if you are. The smell was from not showering the past few days due to drinking and sleeping here at the bar. He sat up slowly and instantly wished he didn't. The plush, over stuffed booth bench he'd been sleeping on was nice and had permanently sunken in and left an indent of his body.
Yawning, he streched his legs and headed over to the bar. A old man is sitting around he hasn't seen before, drinking some stale drink of some sort, maybe that new drink they keep pushing that's non-alcoholic. He giggled to himself as he thought of such a drink.
The bartender quickly slammed a large mug of some drink of foul look on the bar top hoping it might keep Zod away for a bit, and with that drink in hand zod walked over to the man and sat by him to the bartenders relief. Zod was known to start stuff that usually ended up in the purchase of new bar stools or glasses.
Yo, never seen you around here. Who are yah?
He smiled weakly and took a swig of his drink, spilling most of it on the ground and splashing the man's legs a bit.