Miner puts empty glass on the table. His face seems slightly relieved. -Reminds mah first day at work... They called it chemicly clean water...Boiled crap from ice fields....
Short break of silence.
[color=#333333]-More water please! Warmer this time. - miner shouts.
He turns to the local, reviews him from top down to the shoes. -Don't worry, this crap evaporates in seconds.
Man stats searching for something in his pocket and finally takes out some plastic box. By that time waitress brings a full glass. -They call it "Naturalizer". Makes water mined from ice fields taste more like the one found on green planets.
Miner opens the box, takes out a white pill, drops into water. Pill disappears in eyes. -Has some antimatter parts to remove unneeded chemical products. Uses energy so water needs to be warm. Ahh, and water's ice-cold. That waitress seem to know the true meaning "warmer this time". The ideal temperature - pill makes it ice-cold without turning it into ice yet.
Man drinks few big gulps. You can see pleasure in man's face. Shortly looks into locals face and reclines a bit. -Miner mister, Ahm an old miner. Ah was informed that lady known as Silver will be the first to meet me in here. Seems Ahve got replaced by the young ones, just like all the other old-workers in Mining ship. Young trainees, working nearly for free, smashing half of those valuable rocks, burning them in space, leaving half depleted trashed mining fields to the old workers... Couldn't stand it and left few years before they would have replaced me by young trainee too.
Drinks few more gulps of water, looks into locals shoe. -Told Yah, water's gone already. Same as all the dust. Not even a spot, Ah can see mah face there. Only thing it's useful for.