It's been a long time since the last promotion. Now it's time to promote these that have proven skill and courage during the battle.
Starting with the lower structure: Charles DeBute, Milo Reims, Leon Martin and Pierre LaFlamme have been promoted to the rank Caporal. Congratulation to all of you and continue with your great work in the field!
Moving up, Julien Nanette has been promoted to Sergent due to outstanding abilities in the field. Congratulation and wear your new medal with honor!
Further up, Anton Simard has been promoted to Capitaine. His skills and valuable experience will be a good addition to our ranks. Congratulation!
Last but not least the final promotion: Refaello Sanzio, you have been promoted to the rank Colonel and are thereby part of the High Command. This rank brings a lot of responsibility, but I am confident you are capable for the task.