As one month has passed since this proposal came into existence I technically should be demanding more footage and so on and so forth as the minimum quota of twenty confirmed kills hasn't been met.
I'm going to be nice and assume here that - seeing as first it was Consul Templar and now it's Consul Rodriguez I am talking with - you have been facing some severe internal issues or enormous amounts of paperwork or whatever it is that kept you amigos from butchering things and sending the pictures my way.
Assuming you actually did the work, after this weekend I'd like to see and hear of the instances where you assisted Hessian forces on the offensive and defensive, and I'd like to see more of those explosions. What Consul Templar sent earlier, together with the recent destruction of the Seydlitz documented by Consul rodriguez, may be fine and dandy, but it is comparatively little.
Send me a message on Monday containing everything or otherwise, or this contract will be terminated.