My trader flies a mid-sized transport and runs a nice RP circuit route that nets me 20mil per hour, and I play for maybe an hour ever other night right now. If I'm saving for something big and have 80mil in my account and you ask me for 10mil i'm going to dock and go do something else.
Why is this OK for an RPer to do? Because you're basing your fee/tax on a metagamed number. You're not looking at my cargo and judging its value, you're looking at my rank and assuming i run some lame 2-system run and make 3x what i'm actually making per hour.
I don't grind cargo runs so you can take half my haul for the night; I trade so I can afford object A or item B. I trade in a way that makes RP sense, including paying pirates when they behave smart & fairly.
"To gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence;
to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."