***Incoming Transmission***
***Source: Briesen Mining Facility, Omega 7***
***Destination: Director of Operations, Border World Exports***
***Security: Standard***
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Charles O'Callaghan
- Where do you live?
On my ship, the Firbolg.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Ever since taking to the skies, I have worked as an independant trader and cargo hauler based out of Bretonia, shipping to and from the Omegas, Tau's and Rheinland.
I used to trade in Liberty aswell but have had one too many incidents with rookie, I hope, law enforcers making fuss over goods shipped from Rheinland. Let us just say they don't take it very well when you read out their own laws and embargo restrictions to them.
I have flight experience in Freighters and Transports, the bulk of my flight hours in the Shire. I have yet to succumb to a pirate attack, most are reduced to space dust or decide to try their luck elsewhere.
- To what division are you applying?
I am offering my services and ship to the shipping division, with experience in blockade running and supplying behind enemy lines.
Though I would gladly help blast the Kusari out of the skies, I am a trader by heart and generaly only enter combat in self defence or in aid of friendlies.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I am captain and owner of the Firbolg, a Shire-class Bretonia Container Transport
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
My ship is called 'Firbolg'. My father was a historian and preserver of knowledge. When we were little he used to tell my brother and me tales of old Earth Irish mythology, as part of our heritage.
The Firbolg in particular have always captured my interest and in memorium to my father who passed away, I chose this name.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Lately I have been focusing more around Bretonia, moving supplies to and refugees from Tau-31, but as the Kusari intensify their patrols with ever heavier vessels, I have realised I can not keep doing this alone, sooner or later things will go bad. So with Bowex operating in the same areas as I and having similar interests, it is to me the logical course of action.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
My young years were rather uneventful, I had a relatively normal youth on Leeds, grew up with a fascination for flying. As soon as I finished my education, I apprenticed myself on a freighter. There I soon learned I had apptitude for trading, and after a few years saved up enough to buy a second hand Rhino for myself, from there on I traded my way up.
Three years ago I met my late wife, the daughter of one of my buisness contacts, we fell in love and 6 months later married. We moved into my families home on Leeds, my father having passed on after a long and fruitful life and my mother having moved to live out her remaining years with relatives on New London.
Due to my extended travels and many different harbours, I hardly set foot planetside for more then a day and long ago started considering Firbolg as my home away from the family home on Leeds. Furthermore, the Firbolg is my life and only love since I lost my wife aboard a civilian refugee convoy headed for New London, which was attacked and destroyed by the Kusari.
What do I dislike? First thing to spring to mind, with dislike not quite describing my feelings towards them, would be the Kusari State, for obvious reasons.
I do not like those individuals who would rob, or worse, hardworking men and women. I tend to have very little mercy for such lowlife.
Cowardice in battle, traitors, and corrupted law-enforcers are also very low on my list. Oh and Synthpaste, what a waste. If you can afford or have acces to fresh, natural food, don't buy that rubbish.
Things I like, well there is good old Firbolg. I am very fond of my crew aswell, we have been through a lot together.
Hearing music on my bridge is quite common, though my communications officer still doesn't fully aprove, bless him.
When I have time during cargo offload/loading and the location allows, I can generaly be found in the sports facilities, swimming. In my younger years I used to swim for competition, and my love for water was only surpassed for my love for flying.
Another hobby, one that has resulted in some amusement among my crew, is cooking. When the space we traverse allows, my second in command has the bridge and I can be found in the galley. Sadly due to the ever increasing pirate activity, this is not very often.