"Since the food shortage is not urgent anymore with many traders headed to crete, i fetched a few Rheinland small arms in new berlin yesterday to get to crete. they are supposed to be crude, but one of the best in sirius. of course, i was intercepted by a rheinland military on my way - and allthough it is perfectly legal to trade with small arms, he requested my traderoute and every detail of the destination of that cargohold.
of course, i lied to him and told him its generally for the borderworlds - something around freeport 11, well, crete is somewhere around freeport 11, and he let me go, but he told me one thing you corsairs might be interested in.
he made clear that he had spies all around the place, to get a confirmation if those weapons really reached freeport 11 as a whole or were dropped "on the way". maybe it was just some bragging around of some RM officer, but maybe there is more about it - you might want to look into it if there is a mole there. - i ll keep my eyes open the next time i head to rheinland. if they really have knowledge that i dropped the weapons off on crete, it is allmost certain that there are certain intelligences on crete that should be... ahh, taken care of.
have a nice day, cpt. Richard Bach of the tradeship sanctimony
ps. another 9600 cargo units of artifacts safely reached manhatten. the liberty navy must be sleeping all day.
pps i do hope that this terminal is safe for leaving a message like that"