Address: Manhattan, some apartment complex I forgot the name of seeing as I never visited it more than thrice. I live on my ship mostly.
Qualifications (Educational):
Basic educations, advanced snubcraft pilot training, advanced transport navigational training
Qualifications (Vocational):
I can shoot stuff with explosive results, and transport stuff with profitable results.
Relevant Experience:
Escorting transports for half a year, does that qualify?
Employment History:
Universal Shipping Incorporated employee for about 6 months.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
Not yet.
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
I have a special fondness of poetry, please express your creative skills and linguistic abilities by writing one which extols both my (John Steeds) and the company's greatness. This is not required however it may find you with increased favour.
Cryer's, so, hypnotizing
Is it a group of devils
Is it a group of angels
Their, presence, magnetizing
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my shippy glowing