Gonna chime in with a bit of clarification on that O-11 thing as I was there.
First of all it was a mini-event we had, nobody intended to gank anyone there. 101st had to stall any hostile during so that 'special item' could be delivered safely to Omicron Alpha. Aerelm logged on his RHA character, it was predictable some hessian players would log in, in fact I fully counted on that. Aerelm character was not shot down, and wasn't intended to, instead three ships (not all five) from the main group focused to keep his attention away from the ship carrying the 'item'. Soon as it was out of the system they disengaged to catch up with the two ahead. Again, entirely as it was asked of them. Hessian cruiser appearance was a coincidence and of no significance, it didn't matter at all, but added nice element - in a way reaction was as it should be - disengage and proceed with the mission. Hessians were never the targets mini-event. GMG were invited to participate in this mini-event by me personally as all Rheinland forces were busy in Hamburg, so they took on the role of giving us a hell of a chase (and so they did, kudos to them!). RoS appearance was unexpected but gave an interesting plot twist (kudos to them as well) and additional tension to the chase. The mini-event was my idea and thus my responsibility in how it played out. I wanted to give players something other than simple PvP brawl event (those are so primitive), yet giving them a challenge and keeping a possibility for an element of surprise (that's why I didn't inform anyone whom we can stumble upon the road, except for GMG). And I think it played out really great, proving there is still a place for non-strictly-regulated-and-scripted RP some sort of smaller events. But if you want to blame someone for daring to try - blame me then, not them, Ae. One more thing. A kind of surprise mixed with a bit of disappointment to see such a reaction from you, Ae, cause I remember we used to have some great RP and you've been always open-minded about such things. What ever happened to that?
Aerelm. Think we both know things aren't always about PvP. And in this particular case it was 100% about RP. Not all succumbed to plain PvP, some of us still do old-fashioned events where PvP isn't the goal and kudos to 101st for that. Still, kudos to you for participation, even if you didn't know what it was all about, yet as a character you've played your part, in fact just as it would have been expected of you. It is only unfortunate that you, as a player, simply mistook it for plain competitive multiplayer PvP encounter, which it never was in the first place. Just checked server title, still says it's RP server, right? After all, you haven't been even killed, only shot at for less than a minute, and making that much of a fuss now? Really, Ae? So all in all I can only guess that your frustration can be attributed to just one thing - for a brief moment you forgot there can be RP and saw only PvP and nothing else. Understandable, I suppose, but may be try see it other ways too, as you could before? I kinda prefer to keep a possibility for a random element appearing in the events, and you've been such element, thanks for that at least.